
A Monetary System as Good as Gold » News » A Monetary System as Good as Gold

News Date: July 16, 2020

The gold standard provides a better anchor for inflation expectations without an obvious cost in terms of lower output or higher unemployment.
The gold standard isn't perfect. No system is. But it has many virtues. A strong case can be made that it's the best of all feasible institutional alternatives. Lawrence White, puts it: The gold standard is still the gold standard among monetary systems.

Developing the BRICS currency

BRICS Group Works On A New Form Of Currency, looking At Basing Financial Reserves On A Basket Of Their Own Currencies.
State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov said Thursday the BRICS alliance is actively engaged in developing its own currency and is set to present its proposals at the upcoming summit in August.
Putin suggested a new global reserve currency backed by hard assets and BRICS countries accumulated a great amount of gold.

Russia will abolish the VAT (tax) on bullion

The government will abolish the VAT (tax) on bullion.
This Bill will go to the State Duma on March 4.
Going forward - when purchasing gold bars or other precious metals from a bank, the 20% current tax on top of its value will not apply.
This is a way to ensure people can invest securely in something other than the dollar (usually people hold their cash in dollars as the ruble is volatile.)
PM advises foreign businesses that competitors will take their place.
This is a step toward treating gold and silver as money instead of as commodities.

Patent WO2020060606 cryptocurrency system using body activity data

Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.
Patent number: WO2020060606
Microsoft is recently issued a patent for a device that is implanted under your skin that tracks your movements, allows for cashless payments, and even allows for medical tracking

FED explores XRP For Instant Settlements

The US Federal Reserve is carefully examining XRP's feasibility and possible role in facilitating quick settlements within the financial environment after receiving many recommendations supporting XRP for instant settlements.
Concurrently, there are debates and investigations into the viability of pegging XRP to gold, which might open up new avenues for stability and value for the cryptocurrency.
This is an interesting possibility since it means that XRP might become physically connected to gold, which would have a big influence on its value and reputation in the QFS.

Quantum computers will revolutionize financial services

Quantum computers leverage certain principles of physics that allow them to process information more effectively than the computers currently being used.
Businesses within the financial industry will benefit from this technology as quantum computers decrease risks, enhance customer services, and increase investment opportunities.
This innovation will transform the industry within the next years. Leaders and stakeholders in this field should act now, partnering externally and investing internally to make the most of quantum computers.

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