Payroll Tax Cut » News » Payroll Tax Cut
News Date: August 5, 2020President Trump said Wednesday that he has the absolute right to suspend payroll tax collections without the approval of Congress.
The president has considered issuing an executive order suspending evictions and payroll cuts.
President Trump recent tweeted Payroll Tax Cut plus Dollars!
Also, in march 2020, Trump proposed eliminating payroll tax through the end of the year.
Gold & Silver Will Be Unstoppable
The escape from failing fiat will lead to rising nominal interest rates, with all the consequences which that entails. The inevitable outcome is a flight to commodities, including gold and silver, despite rising interest rates for fiat money.The gold standard of the nineteenth century and is easily explained: within a confined money total such as that of monetary gold, an increase in the quantity of goods and services taking place can only be accommodated by a decline in the general level of prices. Put another way, the purchasing power of sound money, a money whose quantity is not inflated, always rises over time.
IMF Debt forgiveness for 25 poorest countries
IMF Executive Board approved immediate debt service relief to 25 of the IMF's member countries under the IMF's revamped Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) as part of the Fund's response to help address the impact of the COVID-19
Queen Elizabeth Joseph Gregory Hallett contest?
Queen Elizabeth II has until tomorrow to contest any part of Joseph Gregory Hallett's Final Declaration to take the throne of England. No matter what, Joseph Gregory Hallett will ultimately and probably very soon, walk into Buckingham Palace, sit on the throne and somebody will crown him, photos will be taken and sent around the world. All of the current monarchy, in royal terms are illegitimate and the Pope will abdicate also, if he already hasn't done so. The Pope is hiding behind the coronavirus. The new King will also replace the Pope. This is going to turn the world upside down. The new King plans on, at some point, implementing Nesara Gesara. www.facebook.comNational coin shortage getting worse
The nation's coin shortage, prompted by less cash circulating as a result of Covid-19 - is getting worse.And believe it or not, cash is still being used in 49% of payments that are $10 or below, according to a recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
The irony of the situation lies in the fact that the Fed can print trillions for bonds, but can't come up with a couple of quarters to do its laundry.,
The Gold Standard Monetary Reset
Did Russia Intentionally Trigger A Monetary System Reset?Russian central bank to restart buying gold from banks will pay fixed price from March 28.
Russia Central Bank Announces Ruble Bound to Gold! 5000 Rubles per Gram.
By pegging gold to the ruble, Russia has just wiped out the dollar's clout from the world markets.
Moscow Will Consider Bitcoin, Gold, and Ruble Payments for Natural Gas.
Lavrov pushes for more active Russia-India-China cooperation, calls it 'Troika'.
Iran wants to trade with Russia in national currencies.
Lavrov: Russia, China Moving Towards Multipolar 'Fair World Order'.