
QFS The Quantum Financial System » News » QFS The Quantum Financial System

News Date: February 21, 2021

Quantum computers can make parallel computations and calculate so much faster than their classical counterpoints that this problem is child play for them.
They can figure out in seconds or minutes what most classical computers could never do.
Could the Quantum Financial System have been activated?
The concept is simple, but the system has become increasingly complicated over time.
As quantum finance gets better at predicting different outcomes given different variables, algorithms can make better trades given individual investors preferences.
Quantum finance can tell people with stock options when the best time to exercise them is. It can assess risk by better calculating probabilities, making arbitrage more profitable.
Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace.
The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world. As a guarantee that every transaction; is legal and transparent for every account holder.
Truth is, the QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for some time and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds.

Satellite Communications transferred to Space Force

Space Force Takes Over All Military Satellite Communications.
The Army transferred some of its satellite operations to the Space Force on Monday, marking the latest move to reorganize and grow the youngest military branch.
This historic transfer from the Army to the Space Force will mark the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under single military service.

Gold standard the final solution globally

Precious metals have been a safe haven all throughout human history, and that is especially true during highly inflationary times.
If we continue destroying the U.S. dollar at our current pace, toilet paper will eventually be more valuable than U.S. dollars.
Gold Could Offer a Way out of Switzerland Failing Inflationist Experiment.
Switzerland could break with the globally pervasive regulations which suppress the potential of gold to develop fully as a nonstate money. Swiss banks, already expert at servicing gold deposit accounts for their clients, would get permission to establish a clearinghouse in Zurich for settling transactions between themselves in the yellow metal (in, say, kilogram gold bars deliverable in Switzerland), thereby facilitating direct payments in gold by their clients for goods or assets without having to pass through the US dollar.
The World Gold Council announced, on Sunday, that the central banks possession of gold increased.
It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council, which is headquartered in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.

Egypt is expected to join BRICS

Egypt plans to issue yuan-denominated bonds worth more than $500 million - Finance Minister Mohamed Maait.
Russia is negotiating the use of Mir payment card with several countries, including Egypt.
There are reports of Egypt preparing apps to join BRICS.
The president of the BRICS International Forum expects Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to join the group "very soon".

Panic! Donald Trump retweeted the Kraken description

Lin Wood, the attorney of Donald Trump, tweeted On November 24 the post of The Marshall Report, describing what is the Kraken.
Shortly President Donald Trump retweeted this post.
In our previous post, you can find the whole article related to Kraken.
Kraken is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program.

India Is Mulling Rupee-Ruble Payments System

India is discussing how to set up a rupee-ruble payment mechanism to enable it to trade with Russia, to circumvent the U.S. sanctions regime.
During the last several months, several considerations have prompted the Modi government to rethink the wisdom of putting all its eggs in the U.S. basket.
Instead, India is returning to a more balanced approach, assessing its national interests vis-a-vis those of other countries and acting accordingly.
To Be Non-Aligned on Russia Policy Implies India Finding Trade Workaround.

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