
QFS The Quantum Financial System » News » QFS The Quantum Financial System

News Date: February 21, 2021

Quantum computers can make parallel computations and calculate so much faster than their classical counterpoints that this problem is child play for them.
They can figure out in seconds or minutes what most classical computers could never do.
Could the Quantum Financial System have been activated?
The concept is simple, but the system has become increasingly complicated over time.
As quantum finance gets better at predicting different outcomes given different variables, algorithms can make better trades given individual investors preferences.
Quantum finance can tell people with stock options when the best time to exercise them is. It can assess risk by better calculating probabilities, making arbitrage more profitable.
Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace.
The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world. As a guarantee that every transaction; is legal and transparent for every account holder.
Truth is, the QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for some time and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds.

The largest-ever BRICS summit

In October 2024, Russia will host the largest-ever BRICS summit in Kazan, as announced by President Vladimir Putin.
The choice of Kazan underscores Russia's commitment to fostering collaboration among the BRICS nations.
Events will also be held in the well-established BRICS+ format, Putin stated.
The summit aims to address global issues, strengthen diplomatic ties, and explore enhanced cooperation, adding a unique cultural and historical dimension to the proceedings.

Transition to Greatness on RV. Great American Comeback!

Remember what RV stands for? RV = ReValuation(Global Currency Reset) or Recreational Vehicle.
Is this a pure coincidence?
Again? Everybody loves RVs suddenly.
In Vice President Mike Pence's visit to Winnebago Industries in Forest City on Tuesday afternoon, he wasn't shy about calling the RV manufacturer a crucial part of the "Great American Comeback".,

Surrender deal reached? No more false flags

Why the September 18th rally, planned for months, did not turn into a false flag event against Patriots?
In war, SURRENDER means: to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner; to capitulate.
Capitulate means: to stop fighting an enemy or opponent; to admit that an enemy or opponent has won; to surrender.
Chapter XII - Non-Hostile Relations Between Belligerents
Section 12.8 CAPITULATIONS - Negotiated Instruments of Surrender

US Sanctions Risking systemic collapse

Russia could ask for rubles or gold in exchange for energy. If that occurred Europe would have little choice. The real leverage in the Petrodollar system is on the 'petro' side.
It will be interesting to see how this develops. If energy payments begin moving outside of the SWIFT system, then the Petrodollar will be severely damaged.
Regardless, it's going to be disruptive and we're going to see additional problems. Very likely we will see further money printing and more stagflation.
The United States' attempts to simultaneously take on both Russia and China is a bad idea. We're forcing the two of them together while Europe is trying to play both sides. This situation will end with China and Russia gaining status.
Russian citizens have also been buying gold. This crisis will hurt their citizens, but this isn't Russia's first rodeo. The fact that Putin has done this either means he's lost his mind or he has a plan and found a window of opportunity.
We could see serious spillover effects on bonds and real yields.
The United States can't afford higher rates, and they can't remove Russia's oil without destroying their own markets.
We could see big changes should Russia use their gold as leverage. Possible scenarios that could occur should gold be revalued.

Danske Bank forgives debts for 90,000 customers

Danske Bank AS said that 90,000 Danish customers that owe the bank money will have their debt balance wiped clean after discovering errors in the bank's debt-collection systems.
The Copenhagen-based bank became aware of systemic errors in its debt-collection systems in 2019 and has been working to correct past mistakes and compensate affected customers, but as remediation has progressed new issues have emerged, extending the timeline for resolution potentially beyond 2024.

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