
Quantum computers will revolutionize financial services » News » Quantum computers will revolutionize financial services

News Date: February 21, 2022

Quantum computers leverage certain principles of physics that allow them to process information more effectively than the computers currently being used.
Businesses within the financial industry will benefit from this technology as quantum computers decrease risks, enhance customer services, and increase investment opportunities.
This innovation will transform the industry within the next years. Leaders and stakeholders in this field should act now, partnering externally and investing internally to make the most of quantum computers.

XRP the Ripple force in the Federal Reserve projects

Fed Faster Payments Task Force gives Ripple vote of confidence for next gen of global payments.
Ripple's Executive Elected to Fed's Faster payments Task Force.
The desired outcomes focused on speed, security, efficiency, cross border payments, and industry collaboration.

The Defund Davos Act

A group of House Republicans, led by Scott Perry have introduced the Defund Davos Act, seeking to halt federal funding to the World Economic Forum (WEF).
With the U.S. having spent tens of millions on the WEF over the years, GOP lawmakers argue for redirecting funds to domestic priorities.
The legislation underscores concerns about taxpayer money supporting an international forum that may not align with American interests.
The move is sparking debates in Congress over fiscal responsibility and the country's role in global initiatives.

Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act signed into law

On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump signed into law H.R. 6192, the "1921 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act," which requires the Department of the Treasury to mint and issue coins in honor of the 100th anniversary of the completion of coinage of the Morgan dollar and the 100th anniversary of the commencement of coinage of the Peace dollar.
The Act does not call out any mintage limits, only that the coin is authorized to be sold in 2021 and that the coins will have the exact same designs of the 1921 Morgan and 1921 Peace dollar coins.
$1 Silver Coins. The Secretary of the Treasury shall mint and issue $1 coins, each of which shall:
(1) weigh 26.73 grams;
(2) have a diameter of 1.500 inches;
(3) contain not less than 90 percent silver;
(4) have a reeded edge.

Central bankers are losing the war on gold

The central bankers, Wall Street - the usual suspects - they are losing this war on gold as they have done in the 1960s, Middelkoop told the Keiser Report.
The year the author was referring to is when the London Gold Pool existed. The group was comprised of several central banks, which dumped their gold reserves to keep bullion price at $35 per troy ounce. Middelkoop says that now we can see the second London Gold Pool is failing.

Waller confirmed to Fed Board. WH supports Shelton

By a completely partisan vote of 48 to 47 (though Rand Paul voted against), The Senate confirmed Trump nominee Christopher Waller to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors - filling one of the two vacant slots on the influential economic body.
The White House remains confident that Ms. Shelton will be confirmed and is fully supportive of her candidacy, a White House spokesman said Thursday.
Her beliefs:
- eliminating the Feds independence and federal deposit insurance
- returning the U.S. to a gold standard

TR-3B USAF experimental anti-gravity craft. Proofs

News Date: October 4, 2020

It does not exist officially. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to prod...

Ripple's Xumm Banking App Will Soon Be Ready for Mass Adoption

News Date: May 25, 2020

On behalf of Ripple, XRPL Labs has developed the banking app Xumm, which is based on the bridge curr...

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