
Declaration for Global Peace and Prosperity » News » Declaration for Global Peace and Prosperity

News Date: September 6, 2021

The Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity was introduced today by Simon Parkes on his website.
The statement is about the QFS, RV, and Spiritual revolution. It has been written by the good guys of this planet.
Anyone should be interested to read it.

Starlink is awesome for RV

Elon Musk's recent comment on Twitter:
Starlink is awesome for RV's, camping or any activity away from cities...
RV stands for Recreational Vehicle.
RV also stands for the Revaluation of currencies.
Ironically, Donald Trump made RV hints in a Rose Garden news conference in 2020, revealing he wants to drive around town in an RV, back to New York, with the First Lady, cracking jokes after forgetting what an RV is.

Star Trek-like Replicator prints 3D objects

This is a new technique to 3D print entire objects in one go, by solidifying liquid resin with projected light.
Scientists have invented a 3D printer that uses light to transform gloopy liquids into solid objects.
Nicknamed the replicator after the Star Trek machine that makes things on demand, the device can create objects that are smoother and more complex than those made with standard 3D printers.,

The Solar Eclipse on June is a New Moon Eclipse. New Earth Era

The Solar Eclipse on June 20th - 21st is a New Moon Eclipse, and is right on the Solstice and marks a time of major transformation!
There is a huge opening for the breakthroughs and answers to start coming to help us through this challenging time.
Earth is currently sitting at the dawn of a New Earth Era, on the brink of an epic shift toward a Universal Humanity.
We can use the gift of this moment to transform ourselves both personally, planetarily & cosmically as we awaken to our inherent 5D divinity.,

Crop circles are models for generating free energy

One Italian inventor, Umberto Baudo, believes crop circles may be meant to impart secrets of new technology and free energy to humanity.

Trump disappointed in blocking benefits

Very disappointed in Chuck Schumer for blocking the temporary extension of the $600 unemployment benefits. The Do Nothing Democrats are more interested in playing politics than in helping our deserving people. DRAIN THE SWAMP ON NOVEMBER 3RD!

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