
Ripple Patent and Standard Outshines Swift » News » Ripple Patent and Standard Outshines Swift

News Date: October 3, 2020

Blockchain payments technology firm Ripple has won a patent for a design that can execute smart contracts based on data collected from the outside world.
That means it Can Settle Derivatives And Oil Contracts.
Cross-border payments network Ripple (XRP) also announced in May that it has become part of the ISO 20022 Standards Body, becoming its first member focused on distributed ledger technology (DLT).,

The largest tax and regulation cuts in history

Donald Trump: With your help, we carried out the largest tax and regulation cuts, by far, in American history. And they now want to quadruple tax us, and they want to quadruple, and beyond, the regulation cuts. And when we say "tax" and we say "regulation" and you say, Oh, tax cuts. That's so wonderful, - but the people in this room that are the heads of industry - you have some very powerful people in this room - they know that the regulation cuts may have been even more important than the biggest tax cuts we've ever had.

Gold price up as Fed begins historic ETF purchase program

The US central bank (FED) began purchasing ETFs holding corporate bonds for the first time ever Tuesday as part of its pandemic rescue package.
Such injections into the economy have generally lifted investor demand for safe-haven assets like the precious metal as fears of inflation and currency debasement grow.

New Dollar Backed by Gold Coming This October 2020?

The rumor, and big fear, is that the IMF may opt to remove the US from the global SDR basket, effectively reducing the US's veto rights from the world stage. SDRs would then be a step closer to replacing the greenback as the world's reserve currency.
With the IMF attempting to pull off a fiscal reckoning minus the US dollar, President Trump may pull off a global reckoning of his own, by issuing US Treasury Notes backed by gold.

Principles of BRICS expansion

Russian Foreign Ministry: BRICS countries discuss principles of alliance expansion.
Ivan Nechayev, deputy director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said at a briefing on Thursday, August 11, that the establishment of criteria for the accession of new BRICS members is already underway.
Iran and Argentina applied to join the BRICS, and later it became known that Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Algeria would also like to become part of the alliance.
In addition, Cuba's ambassador expressed the need for economic cooperation with the BRICS.

Donald Trump vows big tax cuts again

Donald Trump promised big tax cuts for all Americans if elected president, while discussing a range of economic strategies during a large rally held in New Jersey on May 11th.
"Instead of a Biden tax hike, I'll give you a Trump middle class, lower class, business class, big tax cut. You're gonna have the biggest tax cut.", he stated.

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