
Russia to test payments in digital currencies » News » Russia to test payments in digital currencies

News Date: February 26, 2024

Russia is ready to start testing payments in digital currencies with China or countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and will promote the idea with its partners,
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told state media in remarks published on Monday.
Siluanov: "We discussed this topic at the end of last year at the inter-ministerial dialogue."
He restated that any foreign acts involving Russian assets would be met with an equal response from Moscow.

Treating gold and silver as money

May 12, 2024 update: Nebraska ended capital gains taxes on sales of gold and silver With Gov. Jim Pillen's signature.
Older news:
42 states have removed some or all taxes from the purchase of gold and silver.
And there are new bills pending now in five of the eight remaining states, i.e. Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Hawaii, and New Jersey.
In 2019, the Sound Money Defense League teamed up with sound money advocates in West Virginia to eliminate sales taxes on precious metals.
A similar effort will be considered in Olympia, Washington.
Passage into law would relieve some of the tax burdens on investors, and would also take a step toward treating gold and silver as money instead of as commodities.
Repealing these taxes knocks down one barrier that might keep some investors from considering physical metal for their portfolios.

Student debt relief announcement

The Biden administration is canceling up to $20,000 in student debt for Pell Grant recipients, up to $10,000 for individual borrowers who make under $125,000 per year, and extending the pause on repayments by four months, the White House announced on Wednesday.

Cryptocurrencies backed by gold and shares

Unlike most other cryptocurrencies, YEM is backed by gold and also by 100 000 shares of SafeZone, Inc
Official website:
Gold-backed cryptocurrency is a type of crypto stablecoin where each token is backed with physical gold. With the token price pegged to the gold price, there is less price volatility compared to Bitcoin or other altcoins.
A guide to gold-backed cryptocurrency:
Also, Beijing announces a digital currency backed by gold:

Sound Money Is Defending Liberties

It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. Ideologically it belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bills of right.
Our monies - represent fiat currencies, monopolized by the state.
Fiat money is economically and socially destructive - with far-reaching and seriously harmful economic and societal consequences, effects that extend beyond what most people would imagine.
A free market in money means that people have the freedom to choose the kind of money they wish to use and that people have the freedom to provide their fellow men with alternative goods that may serve them well as money.

Debts going down, Gold rate up

Look at US debt clock!
Despite pandemic, Total personal debt and credit card debt are going backwards.
This reminds NESARA first section:
Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a "jubilee" or complete forgiveness of debt.
Gold, metals rates are going up!
NESARA 10th section:
Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals...

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