
Russia-Turkey Switching to National Currencies statement » News » Russia-Turkey Switching to National Currencies statement

News Date: September 4, 2023

In Sochi, Erdogan met Putin to discuss the gas hub and grain deal.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's emphasis on switching to national currencies in bilateral trade during his discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin signifies a notable shift in Turkey's economic and geopolitical strategy.
Erdogan: Switching to national currencies in bilateral trade is important.
The development of a natural gas hub within Turkey dovetails with this shift in economic strategy.
Putin also stated that Russia will soon deliver free grain to Africa.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

CISA warns against disinformation on election results, election process. Be prepared for efforts that call into question the legitimacy of the election.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) works to ensure the physical security and cybersecurity of the systems and assets that supports the Nations elections. Known as election infrastructure, this assembly of systems and networks includes but is not limited to:
> Voter registration databases and associated IT systems
> IT infrastructure and systems used to manage elections (such as the counting, auditing, and displaying of election results, and post-election reporting to certify and validate results)
> Voting systems and associated infrastructure
> Storage facilities for election and voting system infrastructure
> Polling places to include early voting locations

Central Bank digital currencies Competition

China CBDC Pilot Program Beats West to the Punch.
Chinas Ministry of Commerce has announced the pilot run of the country's central bank-backed digital currency in major cities, including Beijing, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Bitcoin and Facebooks Libra cryptocurrency may eventually be in competition with central bank digital currencies.,

VISA & Currencycloud with Ripple on cross-border payments

Currencycloud to focus on new territories currently under-represented for SMEs, to make global movement of money more efficient.
Currencycloud, the global leader in providing embedded B2B cross-border payments for platforms of the future, announced a partnership with Ripple, the enterprise blockchain solution for global payments. RippleNet, Ripple's global financial payments network, makes it easy for its diverse network of financial institutions worldwide to enable faster, lower-cost payments around the world.
Visa partner Currencycloud is now working with Ripple to expand their business-to-business cross-border payments platform.,

Queen may never return to royal duties

The Queen may never return to regular frontline royal duties if Covid-19 restrictions render public engagements unsafe for years.
The monarch, 94, is in lockdown at Windsor Castle to stop her from catching the killer virus.

First Manned Flying Car

Japanese company successfully tested a manned flying car for the first time.
Sky Drive Inc., a Toyota-backed start-up with a mission for developing flying cars, has conducted the public demonstration on August 25, manned test flight of one its aerial vehicles after years of work. The SD-03, with its glossy white exteriors and sleek aerodynamic body, flew around Toyota Test Field, showing the world that such a thing as flying cars can exist beyond fantasy and fiction.

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