
EO Imposing Sanctions in Foreign Interference in a US Election » News » EO Imposing Sanctions in Foreign Interference in a US Election

News Date: November 5, 2020

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election:
Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.

Payroll tax holiday

President Donald Trump's first executive order today provides a payroll tax holiday to Americans earning less than $100,000 per year.
The administration is also looking at cuts to income taxes for lower and middle-income individuals, as well as cuts capital gains taxes.

Gold To Return As Reserve Currency

The global monetary system as you know it is already falling out from beneath your feet.
Smart investors should already be pouring money back into silver and gold before global monetary system collapse.
But now, experts like Peter Schiff, chief executive officer of Euro Pacific Capital, are betting on gold to topple the dollar’s long reign and establish itself as the new de facto reserve currency.

Ripple partner Nium takes on SWIFT

The new solution, which leverages Ripple's blockchain network Ripplenet, claims to lower settlement costs for Financial Institutions by up to 90% for international brokerage account transactions when compared to transactions settled via the SWIFT International Payments Network.
XRP powers NIUM's alternative to swift.
Nium has pointed to three major benefits of its global payments network and new brokerage solution: cost savings of up to 90%, improved customer satisfaction, and increased demand for new partnerships.

Dutch Central Bank Preparing for the Gold Standard

Update from November 18, 2023:
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) disclosed in a recent interview that it has modified its gold reserves to bring them into line with those of other nations within and outside the eurozone.
Motivated by political factors, this policy seeks to maintain strength and balance in reserves in relation to GDP.
Additionally, DNB proposed that during a financial crisis, an increase in the price of gold might make it possible to utilize official gold reserves as a stabilizing mechanism to uphold or create a new gold standard.
News from November 3, 2022:
Dutch Central Bank discussing Gold Revaluation
The DUTCH government openly discussed canceling debt by revaluation of the Gold price.
The Governor of the Dutch Central Bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses.
Sources: gainesvillecoins

Independent Financial System planned by Russia and the Islamic world

Russia and the Islamic countries talk about the creation of an independent financial system and de-dollarization.
According to Alexey Overchuk, deputy prime minister of Russia, Russia is in conversation with countries in the Islamic world about current global changes, particularly the de-dollarization processes.
Alexey Overchuk mentioned the de-globalization processes, the shift of industrial output, the fall of Western investment in the Global South, and the concerns with energy and food security among other things on the agenda.
"Of course, our relations with Islamic countries are influenced by global shifts that are taking place and global trends.
We are talking about processes of de-dollarization and the creation of an independent financial system.", Overchuk stated, through a TASS report.

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