
Somalia secured the debt relief from IMF and World Bank » News » Somalia secured the debt relief from IMF and World Bank

News Date: December 13, 2023

Following Ethiopia's $1.5 billion agreement in November, the IMF and World Bank recently granted $4.5 billion to Somalia in debt relief, which represents a significant step toward reducing financial pressures in the region.
This show of unity denotes a deliberate attempt to tackle the economic difficulties these countries are facing.
It seeks to strengthen Somalia's faltering economy and promote stability and long-term growth in the region by reducing debt.
These programs highlight the value of international collaboration in supporting poor countries, highlighting the critical role these organizations play in enabling economic recovery and supporting important developmental projects.

The FED announces a new upgraded system

The Federal Reserve Board announced that it will replace its current bank application filing system with a new and upgraded system later this month.
The substantive requirements of applications will remain the same with the new system making the filing process more intuitive and minimizing paper applications and communications.

GESARA cryptocurrency? Your Everyday Money - YEM and Digital Yuan on blockchain

Diving into what is Rainbow Currency, I have just found SOMETHING HUGE IS COMING!
Is this NESARA/GESARA currency specified in the act?
"Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals..."(NESARA section 10)
The Rainbow Currency (Trading Symbol YEM) has been created late 2017 by more than 3,700 Internet users from 157 different countries. First launched on the public Ethereum blockchain, Rainbow Currency moved in August 2018 to a private blockchain called TwnklChain.
Official websites:
The symbol looks similar to China's Digital Yuan, already launched.
YEM stands for Your Everyday Money.
At this moment YEM is ranked at the 4th level on market under Bitcoin.

Payroll Tax Cut

President Trump said Wednesday that he has the absolute right to suspend payroll tax collections without the approval of Congress.
The president has considered issuing an executive order suspending evictions and payroll cuts.
President Trump recent tweeted Payroll Tax Cut plus Dollars!
Also, in march 2020, Trump proposed eliminating payroll tax through the end of the year.

The world awaits the leader of the free world

Senator Gerard Rennick: This election is not over in the states 17 states just sued the other states and we will see who is the leader of the free world come back next year.
Australian Senate awaits the results of the election for the Free World. The world is depending on the US election, on POTUS.
In the Australian Senate Senator Rennick from Queensland keeps his colleagues up to date with the latest lawsuit by 18 states to overturn the American presidential election.

Dutch Central Bank Preparing for the Gold Standard

Update from November 18, 2023:
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) disclosed in a recent interview that it has modified its gold reserves to bring them into line with those of other nations within and outside the eurozone.
Motivated by political factors, this policy seeks to maintain strength and balance in reserves in relation to GDP.
Additionally, DNB proposed that during a financial crisis, an increase in the price of gold might make it possible to utilize official gold reserves as a stabilizing mechanism to uphold or create a new gold standard.
News from November 3, 2022:
Dutch Central Bank discussing Gold Revaluation
The DUTCH government openly discussed canceling debt by revaluation of the Gold price.
The Governor of the Dutch Central Bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses.
Sources: gainesvillecoins

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