
Panic! Donald Trump retweeted the Kraken description » News » Panic! Donald Trump retweeted the Kraken description

News Date: November 25, 2020

Lin Wood, the attorney of Donald Trump, tweeted On November 24 the post of The Marshall Report, describing what is the Kraken.
Shortly President Donald Trump retweeted this post.
In our previous post, you can find the whole article related to Kraken.
Kraken is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program.

The longest partial lunar eclipse of the century next week

The partial lunar eclipse will last three hours 28 minutes and 23 seconds. It is also the longest partial lunar eclipse for 580 years.
Everything you need to know about the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years:
The event will begin on November 19 at approximately 2.19 a.m. EST.
a) Everyone in North America will see it;
b) Don't miss the 'max red' moment;
c) Get up earlier to see 'Half Blood Moon';
d) It is the longest partial lunar eclipse this century;
e) The southern limb of the Moon won't turn red.

Google Gesara interest over times

Google Trends Explores what the world is searching over times.
It provides access to a largely unfiltered sample of actual search requests made to Google. It's anonymized, categorized and aggregated. This allows us to display interest in a particular topic from around the globe or down to city-level geography.
For example entering the keyword "gesara" in the Explore bar, it results an ascending curve:

Gold standard strategy and the collapse of dollar

The dollar is no longer pegged to gold, but it is still the world's reserve currency. Over 60% of the foreign bank reserves are currently held in US Dollars.
There have been efforts by numerous countries (led by China and Russia) to dethrone the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. China has been reducing its exposure to the Dollar for a long time, and both China, as well as Russia, have been stocking up on gold in recent times.
Central banks added 650 tons to their reserves in 2019, the second highest shift in 50 years, after the 656 tons added in 2018. Before the 2007-09 financial crisis, central banks were net sellers of gold worldwide for decades. Leading the recent spree has been China, Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
China can escape the fate of a dollar collapse by tying the yuan to gold. There is little doubt she has access to sufficient gold. Currently, her interest is to preserve the dollar, not destroy it, because it is the principal means of Chinese foreign interests being secured.

Welcome to quantum computing era FED

Fed Announces It Will Quit Printing Paper Money. The Federal Reserve will not be printing new paper currency (they have already ceased making coins).
PayPal is leaping into the cryptocurrency market, Starting in the next few weeks, users in the US can buy and sell bitcoin and several other digital currencies on the platform.
Quantum computers will be orders of magnitude more powerful than anything we have today. Scientists predict that the emerging era of quantum computing could lead to great breakthroughs.,,

Next generation supersonic jet

Virgin released a few fantastic conceptual designs of the new supersonic commercial aircraft that would have the capacity for 9 to 19 people at an altitude above 60,000 feet.
The now-retired Concorde flew at average cruising speed around Mach 2, which would mean the Virgin aircraft could hit speeds over 2,300 mph, or about 50% faster.,

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