Stellar reveals Financial Inclusion report » News » Stellar reveals Financial Inclusion report
News Date: January 10, 2024
Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) released a whitepaper discussing the role of blockchain technology in facilitating financial inclusion.
The whitepaper underscores the significance of financial services access for global financial inclusion, particularly in developing economies.
Despite advancements in digital payments, cash remains prevalent in emerging economies. Many unbanked adults still receive government and private-sector payments in cash, impacting financial inclusion.
It emphasizes digital payments as a pivotal entry point to formal economic participation. Despite the persistence of cash usage, transitioning to digital payments can encourage broader use of financial services.
The paper delves into the hurdles of cross-border payments and highlights blockchain's potential to address these challenges. It showcases blockchain's role in enabling secure, cost-effective transactions.
Additionally, it presents various applications of blockchain, such as facilitating cash-to-digital asset conversions, safeguarding against currency devaluation, and supporting humanitarian aid distribution.
While recognizing blockchain's promise for financial inclusion, the document emphasizes the necessity of balancing innovation with consumer protection, privacy, and financial education to ensure the creation of inclusive and secure financial systems.
Full report:
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