
Stellar reveals Financial Inclusion report » News » Stellar reveals Financial Inclusion report

News Date: January 10, 2024

Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) released a whitepaper discussing the role of blockchain technology in facilitating financial inclusion.
The whitepaper underscores the significance of financial services access for global financial inclusion, particularly in developing economies.
Despite advancements in digital payments, cash remains prevalent in emerging economies. Many unbanked adults still receive government and private-sector payments in cash, impacting financial inclusion.
It emphasizes digital payments as a pivotal entry point to formal economic participation. Despite the persistence of cash usage, transitioning to digital payments can encourage broader use of financial services.
The paper delves into the hurdles of cross-border payments and highlights blockchain's potential to address these challenges. It showcases blockchain's role in enabling secure, cost-effective transactions.
Additionally, it presents various applications of blockchain, such as facilitating cash-to-digital asset conversions, safeguarding against currency devaluation, and supporting humanitarian aid distribution.
While recognizing blockchain's promise for financial inclusion, the document emphasizes the necessity of balancing innovation with consumer protection, privacy, and financial education to ensure the creation of inclusive and secure financial systems.
Full report:

NESARA/GESARA weekly round-up

Ms.Navelette of YouTube This and That Channel is doing an usual weekly round-up of what has taken place in the last 7 days with NESARA/GESARA.
The Video Content provides titles reported by our great website, plus other videos inspired by common sources.
Thank you very much for your support, Navelette!
I recommend to Join her great channel here:

Executive Order on Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days, any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, of the Selected Reserve under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed 200 Selected Reservists at any one time, as he considers necessary.

BRICS to achieve a safer and more harmonious world - Putin

At the BRICS parliamentary forum held in St Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the pivotal role of BRICS nations in fostering a safer and more harmonious global environment.
In his address on Thursday, Putin highlighted the collaborative potential of BRICS to contribute significantly towards global peace and stability.
He underscored the importance of mutual cooperation and collective efforts among BRICS countries to tackle global challenges, promote economic development, and ensure a balanced world order.
"We will be able to achieve the maximum implementation of the economic, investment, technological, and human potential of our countries, and strengthen the constructive influence of BRICS on global processes," he said.

WH can take executive action on the stimulus anyway

Congress could agree on the stimulus package deal Friday but Trump floats executive action even if stimulus deal is reached.
White House is finalizing a series of executive orders addressing key coronavirus stimulus priorities if negotiations with Congress fall apart.
"I wouldn't be surprised that, if something gets left off the table, we'd be like "we can take this executive action too and be able to win on it anyway," one official said.,

BRICS trade has grown remarkably

The BRICS group witnessed a remarkable surge in their trade activities over the five-year period from 2017 to 2022.
According to a report by Bloomberg, these nations collectively bolstered their economic ties and achieved a staggering 56% growth in their trade volumes during this period.
This significant increase underscores the growing economic significance of this influential bloc on the global stage.
In the year 2022, the combined trade turnover among the BRICS nations reached an impressive milestone, amounting to a staggering $422 billion.
This substantial figure demonstrates the remarkable economic prowess and potential of the BRICS group, solidifying its status as a major player in the international trade landscape.
In a recent statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin argued that the BRICS group has already surpassed the G7 nations in terms of the purchasing power parity (PPP) of their populations.
This claim highlights the rising economic strength and consumer power of BRICS countries, potentially reshaping the global economic landscape and challenging the traditionally dominant position of the G7.

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