
The Birth of a New Currency by Ron Paul » News » The Birth of a New Currency by Ron Paul

News Date: July 17, 2020

Ron Paul was the leading champion of sound money in all his years while in the United States Congress. Here he explains why sound money has meant the gold standard. Paul maps out a plan to bring about a dollar that would be protected against manipulation by government and central bankers. This monograph first appeared in 1981, and it has been in wide distribution ever since.

Pearl Harbor 2021. Cyber version

Up to a MILLION companies are hit in biggest global ransomware attack on record: Allegedly, Russian hackers REvil demand $70MILLION for decryption key weeks after President Biden told Putin to stop protecting hackers.
World Economic Forum hints at global cyber pandemic this summer to facilitate great reset.
Cyber Polygon - 9 July 2021: The international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience and the expansion of intersectoral cooperation against cyberthreats.

Trump says China, Russia and North Korea will not be enemies

Donald Trump stated that Russia, China, and North Korea would not be considered enemies of the United States if it had a smart president.
He claimed that these countries were not adversaries during his presidency because he knew how to manage relationships with them.
Trump also argued that America's internal issues are more severe than external threats like Russia, China, and North Korea.

Quantum information science to change the world

Trump administration establishes $75 million quantum computing centers.
Trump: Quantum information science has the potential to change the world. But to realize that potential, we must first answer some fundamental research questions.
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced Tuesday the establishment of three quantum computing centers across the nation, involving an investment of $75 million.
The establishment of the centers stems from a provision in the National Quantum Initiative Act:

Happy New Year and New World!

2020 has been an unpredictable ride through the pandemic, and many more difficulties that had made living life quite hard for people across the globe. But as we near the end of this year, we all should accept the fact that with every passing year, one should leave behind the bad memories and mistakes. So now, as we embrace the upcoming year, 2021, let us all be positive and cheery with shining spirits and aspirations for the future. We should vow to not let the negative times affect us in looking forward to the future and working hard to achieve our dreams and ambitions. So, let us all embrace the new year with much-needed hopes and happiness.
I recorded a video with our 2020 retrospective. Best Regards!

Full body teleportation system patent

This invention is a system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another using a pulsed gravitational wave traveling through hyperspace.

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