
Trump plans to make permanent cut to payroll tax if reelected » News » Trump plans to make permanent cut to payroll tax if reelected

News Date: August 10, 2020

Saturday, in Bedminster, N.J., Trump announced, If victorious on November 3rd, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax.
Trump says that if reelected, he'll pursue permanent cut to payroll taxes that fund Social Security, Medicare.

Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flying saucer patent

1, Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flies butterfly.
2, Cosmic gravitational energy generating system apparatus.
3, antigravity system and device.
4, the two dish of outer image cover the dish-shaped housing that forms mutually.

Saudi Arabia joins SCO

Riyadh joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization as ties with Beijing grow.
Saudi Arabia's cabinet approved on Wednesday a decision to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as Riyadh builds a long-term partnership with China despite U.S. security concerns.

Satellite Communications transferred to Space Force

Space Force Takes Over All Military Satellite Communications.
The Army transferred some of its satellite operations to the Space Force on Monday, marking the latest move to reorganize and grow the youngest military branch.
This historic transfer from the Army to the Space Force will mark the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under single military service.

Panic! Donald Trump retweeted the Kraken description

Lin Wood, the attorney of Donald Trump, tweeted On November 24 the post of The Marshall Report, describing what is the Kraken.
Shortly President Donald Trump retweeted this post.
In our previous post, you can find the whole article related to Kraken.
Kraken is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program.

Digital Yuan for Cross-Border payments launched

In Hong Kong, the Bank of China is leading the push for widespread cross-border usage of the digital yuan.
From experimental programs to cutting-edge applications, they have advanced.
One such application allows guests from the mainland to add more money to their Octopus cards using digital yuan.
In a different development, PetroChina successfully executed the first global trade of crude oil using e-CNY, the digital currency of the Chinese central bank, with the intention of extending its use worldwide.
As of June, transactions on China's highly advanced CBDC had totaled 1.8 trillion yuan.

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