
Xi Jinping to Visit Saudi Arabia before the end of the year » News » Xi Jinping to Visit Saudi Arabia before the end of the year

News Date: November 7, 2022

China's Xi Jinping to Visit Saudi Arabia Amid Global Reshuffling.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is planning to visit Saudi Arabia before the end of the year, according to people familiar with preparations for the trip, as Beijing and Riyadh seek to deepen ties and advance a vision of a multipolar world where the U.S. no longer dominates the global order.
Sources: wsj

The Defund Davos Act

A group of House Republicans, led by Scott Perry have introduced the Defund Davos Act, seeking to halt federal funding to the World Economic Forum (WEF).
With the U.S. having spent tens of millions on the WEF over the years, GOP lawmakers argue for redirecting funds to domestic priorities.
The legislation underscores concerns about taxpayer money supporting an international forum that may not align with American interests.
The move is sparking debates in Congress over fiscal responsibility and the country's role in global initiatives.

GESARA hints in Trumps speech at UN General Assembly

Remarks by President Trump to the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly:
We will enter a new era of unprecedented prosperity, cooperation, and peace.
For decades, the same tired voices proposed the same failed solutions, pursuing global ambitions at the expense of their own people. But only when you take care of your own citizens will you find a true basis for cooperation. As President, I have rejected the failed approaches of the past, and I am proudly putting America first, just as you should be putting your countries first.
I am supremely confident that next year, when we gather in person, we will be in the midst of one of the greatest years in our history - and frankly, hopefully, in the history of the world. Thank you. God bless you all. God bless America. And God bless the United Nations.,

H.R.5404, a bill to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold

H.R. 5404 is a bill introduced by Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV2) that would bring the U.S. back to the gold standard once and for all. It would take effect exactly 30 months after the bill was passed, to allow an adjustment period in the American economy. Interestingly for a Republican-introduced bill, if the bill was enacted any time after July 2018, that 30-month window would come under the administration of the 2020 election.

Drain the path for NESARA. Notable Chairs on fire

President Trump is draining the path for Justice and Greatness? Recent Terminations / Resignations:
Christopher Krebs director of CISA - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure in DHS - U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He refuted his claims that the election was rigged;
Jay Clayton Chairman of SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He was occasionally criticized as being too soft on Wall Street;
Mark Esper Secretary of Defense was terminated by President Trump;
Richard Pilger Director of U.S. Department of Justice...
An administration official said the directors of the FBI and the CIA could be next.

Gold's role in the Global Monetary Reset

Gold will play a big role in the coming global 'monetary reset'.
A global monetary reset is inevitable, as fiat currencies are being debased due to excessive money printing.
The U.S. dollar will be dethroned as the dominant global reserve currency by currencies backed by a basket of commodities including gold, according to Maxime Bernier, Founder and Leader of The People's Party of Canada.
An International reserve currency based on a basket of currencies is under consideration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on June 22 at the BRICS Business Forum.

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