
Zimbabwe is engaged to clear IFI debt » News » Zimbabwe is engaged to clear IFI debt

News Date: October 15, 2022

Zimbabwe is engaging with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on how to clear its debts with international financial institutions, finance minister Mthuli Ncube said at an IMF press conference on Saturday.
Sources: reuters

NESARA could be announced to fix the Defunct US Inc.

The Sat. 7 Nov. announcement by the Lame Stream Media that Biden won the US Presidency was just another lie to the American people - now referred to as Voter-gate. The only call of this presidential election could come from joint sessions of Congress that would read the elector slates on 3 Jan. 2021.
However, the makeup of that Congress would have to be re-done because those politicians were elected under US Inc. This municipal corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. had entered into bankruptcy by its owner, Pope Francis, on 24 Sept. 2015 - a Chapter 7 liquidation that ended on 5 Nov. 2020.
You cant elect a new President for a defunct corporation, said Anna Von Reitz. Whoever was elected President of the United States on 3 Nov. had nothing to preside over as of 5 Nov.
NESARA and GESARA could be announced and that freedom from debt would change the world. When you announce NESARA you would have to have a new election within 120 days.
President Trump before his inauguration in January 2021, he should announce the new government and the new Republic. Then the military takes over, in a 120 - day period and in a temporary capacity, that all elected positions in the government will have to run again after 120 days.
Sources:,, inteldinarchronicles

Global Humanitarian Overview

The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) 2020 published on 4 December 2019 announced funding requirements of $28.8 billion to assist 108.8 million of the 167.6 million people in need in 53 countries.

Russia is working on stablecoin pegged to gold

Russian gov't working on stablecoin settlement platform between friendly nations.
Russia's Finance Ministry has reportedly begun working with the governments of 'friendly' nations to establish a cross-border stablecoin-based payments platform.
'Stablecoins can be pegged to some generally recognized instrument, for example, gold, the value of which is clear and appreciable for all parties involved,' said Alexey Moiseev.

Zimbabwe interested in SWIFT alternatives

The Zimbabwean government would like to become a member of the BRICS economic bloc, the speaker of the ruling party ZANU-PF said on Wednesday.
"We made it clear that we would like to become a member of the BRICS," Christopher Mutsvangwa told Russia's RIA Novosti news agency.
The official added that his country is interested in developing alternatives to the Western-dominated SWIFT payment network.
In his view, BRICS could contribute to that.

Governments hate gold

Do governments hate gold? The short answer is Yes.
Governments hate gold because they cannot print it, and it is difficult for them to control.
Because they cannot print it or easily control it, gold has little use to them during the never-ending schemes to tax and then redistribute wealth.
Legal tender laws mean that all taxes must be paid in fiat currency, not gold or silver (held in physical form).
Nothing but sponsored fiat currencies issued by the government is acceptable to pay debts and taxes.

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