Gold's Central Bank Buying and Possible Revaluation » » Gold's Central Bank Buying and Possible Revaluation
Date: November 22, 2022Jim Grant is writing about Gold again: The press infatuation with pronouncing Gold dead, Central Bank purchases and history, Gold's performance in 2022 as inflation hedge (not so good), the potential for European Central Bank revaluations.
Also, The Governor of the Dutch central bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses.
Sources: vblgoldfix,
Surrender deal reached? No more false flags
Why the September 18th rally, planned for months, did not turn into a false flag event against Patriots?In war, SURRENDER means: to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner; to capitulate.
Capitulate means: to stop fighting an enemy or opponent; to admit that an enemy or opponent has won; to surrender.
Chapter XII - Non-Hostile Relations Between Belligerents
Section 12.8 CAPITULATIONS - Negotiated Instruments of Surrender
Danske Bank forgives debts for 90,000 customers
Danske Bank AS said that 90,000 Danish customers that owe the bank money will have their debt balance wiped clean after discovering errors in the bank's debt-collection systems.The Copenhagen-based bank became aware of systemic errors in its debt-collection systems in 2019 and has been working to correct past mistakes and compensate affected customers, but as remediation has progressed new issues have emerged, extending the timeline for resolution potentially beyond 2024.
We are Headed to a Global Financial Reset
Pull your money out of The Banks, As we are headed for a Global Financial Reset.The federal reserve is nothing but a loan shark for the deficit spending government.
It's the government's fault for all this monetary mess, not the bankers.
They're just profiting from the control of money creation and all assets traded in the stock, bond, and commodity markets.
Get out of the casino and get into silver hoarding or use your dollars to buy real hard assets like farmland , real estate and gold.
It's the only safe plan in preparation for the coming dollar collapse.
Expect a trigger event in the coming months for a global re-set.
Deutsche Bank is rumored to be already declared bankrupt.
The banks don't trust each other or are out for themselves like JP Morgan, or are failing like Deutsche Bank.
Golden Christmas to You!
May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy, and happiness.May you have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope, and the Heart of Christmas which is Love.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
Best regards,:
Best Stimulus Package
Trump Promises Best Stimulus Package You Have Ever Seen, After Election. Trumps announcement put his stamp of approval on a new timetable that came to the fore earlier in the day after Senators left Washington, D.C., for a pre-election break.Sources: