
An Asian Bretton Woods is suggested » News » An Asian Bretton Woods is suggested

News Date: September 10, 2022

An Asian Bretton Woods may be on the way.
Sergei Glazyev, a senior Russian economist and Minister in charge of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEU), was leading a committee planning a new trade currency for the Eurasian Economic Union.
At the same time, the new trade settlement currency was to be available to any other nation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the expanding BRICS membership.
Logic suggests that a gold-backed currency will be the outcome of Glazyev's EAEU committee's trade currency deliberations after all, because of a subsequent announcement from Moscow concerning a new Russian bullion market.

Treating gold and silver as money

May 12, 2024 update: Nebraska ended capital gains taxes on sales of gold and silver With Gov. Jim Pillen's signature.
Older news:
42 states have removed some or all taxes from the purchase of gold and silver.
And there are new bills pending now in five of the eight remaining states, i.e. Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Hawaii, and New Jersey.
In 2019, the Sound Money Defense League teamed up with sound money advocates in West Virginia to eliminate sales taxes on precious metals.
A similar effort will be considered in Olympia, Washington.
Passage into law would relieve some of the tax burdens on investors, and would also take a step toward treating gold and silver as money instead of as commodities.
Repealing these taxes knocks down one barrier that might keep some investors from considering physical metal for their portfolios.

Fintech and XRP Support in US GOV Register New Rule

The Remittance Transfers Under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act final rule is effective July 21, 2020.
The continued growth of "fintech" nonbank remittance transfer providers and their further expansion into partnerships and other relationships with banks and credit unions, which allow such entities to tap into the closed network payment systems that nonbank remittance transfer providers have developed and (3) the continued growth and expanding partnerships of virtual currency companies, such as Ripple, which offer both a payments messaging platform to support cross-border money transfers as well as a virtual currency, XRP, which can be used to effect settlement of those transfers.
The Bureau also believes that expanded adoption of SWIFT's gpi product or Ripple's suite of products could similarly allow banks and credit unions to know the exact final amount that recipients of remittance transfers will receive before they are sent.

Countries With Largest Gold Reserves. Philippines number one

What happened to the gold of our ancestors that has been transferred under the custody of Marcos Family?
Philippine Islands are "Riches Country in the World!" There are 950,000 metric tons of gold ( declared missing in the International Court of Justice in Hague) picked up by Yamashita from its European Ally, Hitler and another 250,000 metric tons of the Japanese loot around Southeast Asia are both now in the Philippines. Very few Filipinos knows this( Wall Street Journal, November 15,1985 issue wrote: "Two Thirds of all the gold in the world is in Philippines and One third is divided among the rest of the countries of the world")
During A TALK SHOW in a U.S. TV , the week following the bombing of the New York Twin Towers, President George Bush was asked this question: Which is the richest country in the world today? With a smile he said; "The Philippines." In a US TV interview as well with President Barrack Obama, in his "700 Billion USD stimulus funds" for US economy, he was asked a question where will he get the billion dollar substantial funds needed and quoted saying. "We have friends outside US who will support us".
The branded Yamashita Treasure was considered "booty". There were varied country claimants who are victims of the said WWII loots and these countries filed protest and claims after the war in the International Court of Justice. Though, there was a passage of law for thirty years starting 1946, that without a valid claim against it this "booty" it would belong to its new possessor. That would have been in 1976. However, the International Criminal Court (ICC) extended the deadline of the claims to 10 years up to 1986.
With the conspiracy of the International Banking Cartel, neither the ICJ denied the existence of these gold and claims. Sadly, Successive governments of the Philippines denied its existence and failed to acknowledged the gold. For almost 24 years, Information has been conspired to keep from being known to Filipino people.

Transition to Greatness on RV. Great American Comeback!

Remember what RV stands for? RV = ReValuation(Global Currency Reset) or Recreational Vehicle.
Is this a pure coincidence?
Again? Everybody loves RVs suddenly.
In Vice President Mike Pence's visit to Winnebago Industries in Forest City on Tuesday afternoon, he wasn't shy about calling the RV manufacturer a crucial part of the "Great American Comeback".,

Russia-Turkey Switching to National Currencies statement

In Sochi, Erdogan met Putin to discuss the gas hub and grain deal.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's emphasis on switching to national currencies in bilateral trade during his discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin signifies a notable shift in Turkey's economic and geopolitical strategy.
Erdogan: Switching to national currencies in bilateral trade is important.
The development of a natural gas hub within Turkey dovetails with this shift in economic strategy.
Putin also stated that Russia will soon deliver free grain to Africa.

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