
Australian PM plans tax cuts » » Australian PM plans tax cuts

Date: February 4, 2024

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced plans to introduce legislation next week, promising tax cuts for every Australian taxpayer.
He emphasizes the urgency of passing the legislation promptly to facilitate a smooth transition for both employers and the tax office.
"This is legislation which will give every taxpayer a tax cut and it should receive the support of every parliamentarian," he told ABC's Insiders on Sunday.

Iran Joins Russia in BRICS Currency Initiative

Iran is collaborating with Russia in BRICS initiatives, including developing a single currency for the bloc, according to Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali.
He highlighted Iran's active role as a new BRICS member at the Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum.
"The creation of a new single currency within the framework of the association is what Russia and Iran are working on," the diplomat stated.

Gold Treaty accomplished as banks to fail

The fiat currency is crashing. Ink on paper is not real money. You can not print gold & silver. All countries are switching away from this money system to asset backed.
The "Gold Treaty" of 2013 deals with the global currency reset. The treaty and the move back to sound asset backed money effects every citizen of this nation and all nations around the world. We the people would like a response to the contents of the referenced documents. With solid details as to the progress and stance of the current administration towards the implementation of sound money and the control of the criminal central banking institutions.
President Trump accomplished the final requirement of the 209 nation Gold Treaty and GESARA when he oversaw Israel, UAE and Bahrain signing the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement on Tuesday 15 Sept.,

FED Rigged the Game... And, they got caught

Dallas Fed President Kaplan to retire early on Oct. 8, citing trading disclosure distraction.
Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren To Retire After Ethics Issue.
Rosengren retires because of health issues. From a week ago: He made as many as 37 separate trades in the four REITS while the Fed purchased almost $700 billion in mortgage backed securities.
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has ordered a review of ethics rules for the central bank after an outcry over officials owning individual securities.
Fed Chief Powell, other officials owned securities central bank.

G-20 Plans Extraordinary Meeting to Discuss Debt Relief

Finance ministers and central bankers from the worlds largest economies plan to hold an extraordinary meeting on November 13 to discuss bolder action to help poor nations struggling to repay their debts.
The meeting could mark the next phase in the global debt-relief drive-by bolstering coordination between government creditors over how to restructure the debts of poor economies hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

A Dying Fiat System and Precious Metals

With the Fed set to hike rates and kill QE, markets are in turmoil. The Fiat money System is dying.
Some bank analysts are forecasting seven hikes this year.
Gold is of course the world's ultimate asset.
The US mint sells five million silver eagle coins in January.
Silver is biding its time before taking off to the higher ground.

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