
Quantum computing finance shining in the Wall Street » News » Quantum computing finance shining in the Wall Street

News Date: December 19, 2020

The quantum computing is the latest shiny new thing of Wall Street. A fundamentally new kind of computing will shake up finance - the question is when...
Simple algorithms could be in use within 18 months, with credit-scoring a plausible early application.
For many problems, a quantum computer with thousands of stable qubits is provably far faster than any non-quantum machine that could ever be built.

A new global financial system

An economist predicts the emergence of a new global financial system.
The Russian economist, Anton Tabagh, said that the current system of monetary relations and trade settlements has been in crisis for a long time, but the recent geopolitical events may take another dimension and form.
The economist expressed confidence that the new system is in the process of taking shape.
Sources: search4dinar

Treating gold and silver as money

May 12, 2024 update: Nebraska ended capital gains taxes on sales of gold and silver With Gov. Jim Pillen's signature.
Older news:
42 states have removed some or all taxes from the purchase of gold and silver.
And there are new bills pending now in five of the eight remaining states, i.e. Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Hawaii, and New Jersey.
In 2019, the Sound Money Defense League teamed up with sound money advocates in West Virginia to eliminate sales taxes on precious metals.
A similar effort will be considered in Olympia, Washington.
Passage into law would relieve some of the tax burdens on investors, and would also take a step toward treating gold and silver as money instead of as commodities.
Repealing these taxes knocks down one barrier that might keep some investors from considering physical metal for their portfolios.

Gold revaluation to write off the debt

The more debt is being accumulated on the balance sheets of European central banks, the more likely they will revalue gold to write off this debt.
One possible solution is that central banks use unrealized gains of the gold on their balance sheet to write off sovereign bonds, providing debt relief to their governments.
Revaluing gold to write off bad debt would require central banks to set a floor price for gold.
If a central bank uses its revaluation account fully, the gold price ideally doesn't fall back or this central bank will incur unrealized losses.
As such, the central bank would need to stabilize the gold price, which is a form of a gold standard.

Debt Jubilee by Trump pick to lead World Bank

President of the WorldBank Group remarks to G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors I emphasized the need for further progress on:
1. Debt Suspension;
2. Debt Reduction;
3. Debt Resolution;
4. Debt Transparency.
The situation in developing countries is increasingly desperate. Time is short. We need to take action quickly on debt suspension, debt reduction, debt resolution mechanisms and debt transparency.
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2020
Full remarks
US President Donald Trump has nominated David Malpass as his pick for the next World Bank president:

Zimbabwe introduces new digital currency backed by gold

Zimbabwe to create new digital currency backed by gold.
As part of efforts to stabilize the local currency, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) is preparing to launch a digital currency backed by gold that will be accepted as legal tender for transactions in the nation.
The RBZ will take the first steps toward using the nation's gold reserves to anchor the Zimbabwe dollar with the introduction of the digital gold tokens, a kind of electronic money backed by gold stored at the RBZ.

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