
BRICS expansion to a global community of security » News » BRICS expansion to a global community of security

News Date: May 19, 2022

Xi calls on BRICS countries to build global community of security for all.
Xi made the remarks while delivering a video address at the opening session of the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting.
China proposes to start the BRICS expansion process, explore the criteria and procedures for the expansion, and gradually form a consensus.

A comprehensive guide to Precious Metals

A comprehensive guide to Precious Metals. It is easy to understand. Even beginners can use it to learn about mining, what factors move prices, and how trading works.
The guide includes:
> Why Are Metals Important?
> What Are the Different Types of Metals?
> Main Uses of Metals?
> What are the Main Global Metals Trends?
> Top Metals Producing Countries?
> Top Precious Metal Indices?
> What Are The Top Metals Investment Resources?
> Where to Trade Metals?
You can learn more here:

US Jobs Data could Trouble the Market

Goldman: The Market's Reaction To The Jobs Report Means Brace For A Stubborn Grind Higher In September.
Unusually large U.S. jobs number stokes case for 'unusually large' rate hike.
Friday's 'Great' Jobs Number Could Spell Trouble For The Market.
'Great' US Jobs Data Make Case for Bigger Fed Rate Increases.
Bond markets complicate Fed decision after jobs report.
There is a probability of a 0.75% move in September, a noticeable change from the 0.50% move markets were pricing prior to Friday's jobs report.
Sources: substack,

H.R.25, A bill to repeal the income tax

A BILL To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.

We are Headed to a Global Financial Reset

Pull your money out of The Banks, As we are headed for a Global Financial Reset.
The federal reserve is nothing but a loan shark for the deficit spending government.
It's the government's fault for all this monetary mess, not the bankers.
They're just profiting from the control of money creation and all assets traded in the stock, bond, and commodity markets.
Get out of the casino and get into silver hoarding or use your dollars to buy real hard assets like farmland , real estate and gold.
It's the only safe plan in preparation for the coming dollar collapse.
Expect a trigger event in the coming months for a global re-set.
Deutsche Bank is rumored to be already declared bankrupt.
The banks don't trust each other or are out for themselves like JP Morgan, or are failing like Deutsche Bank.

Gold demand as a store of value

Central Banks Buying Gold Could Be Catalyst for $3,000 Gold Price.
They have been net buyers of the yellow metal since 2010.
In the first quarter of 2022, they bought gold again, 84 tonnes of it.
Gold Price Analysis: XAUUSD to be in demand as a store of value given record inflation.
Economists expect the yellow metal to remain resilient as Eurozone inflation is set to hit a new record.

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