
China Paves the Way for Debt Relief » News » China Paves the Way for Debt Relief

News Date: April 26, 2024

China's central bank is pushing for fair burden-sharing among creditors in debt restructurings for emerging market countries, indicating a proactive stance on global debt issues.
China's recent move to write off undisclosed amounts of Zimbabwe's interest-free loans aligns with its commitment to assist African nations burdened by external debt.
Since 2000, China has made debt relief a norm, providing crucial support to sub-Saharan African countries without imposing strict conditions.
This approach could influence other lenders and boost investor confidence, ultimately attracting further financial support for debtor nations.
Read also: World Bank President:China needs to participate in debt relief

Trump: Things are happening that I cant talk about

HUGE breakthrough in Trumps 17 minute remarks Announcing the Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, exactly at min 3:17:
Trump: Things are happening that I can't talk about, but they're extremely positive...,

Triangular spacecraft patent

A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.

Debts forgiveness and peace at the Russia-Africa summit

Vladimir Putin hosted the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg from July 27 to 28.
Putin: The total amount of debt of the African countries written off by Russia amounts to $23 billion dollars with another $90 million to be allocated for the same purposes.
Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, also stated on Friday that Moscow is closely analyzing suggestions made by several African leaders to put an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

Quantum Banking System, quantum-grammar construct

Quantum-Banking system is the Declaration of Independence of the world, ending the Socialist Fiat debt system.
Russell-Jay Gould, Post-Master-General on Quantum-Grammar, Quantum-Banking:
Quantum-grammar essentially offers a mathematical way to write contracts in a proper and correct way which cannot be misunderstood, upholds integrity in contracting, and holds all parties duly accountable for whatever they promise to deliver. Unlike English, which is rife with confusion and carries contradictions and denials that most people know nothing about-prefixes like un and re for instance are negations-but which manipulative central bankers, moneyed bloodline families, and long lineages of moneylenders have operated to their secret advantage and to the detriment of the ignorant citizenry, quantum-grammar puts everything on the table in plain sight and precludes any kind of shoring up of advantage by anyone, while holding people to their word. Using quantum-grammar and proper ways to contract with each other and create the systems-banking, judicial, educational, communicational which will truly work for us.,

China astounding Gold reserves to be revealed in CDBC announcement

China hoarded an enormous amount of the precious metal.
China Gold reserves to be revealed in Central Bank Digital Currency announcement that threatens U.S. currency hegemony.
It is expected a major announcement of Chinese gold holdings that would astound most analysts would probably be accompanied with any Central Bank Digital Currency release and mention of gold backing.
Source: asiamarkets

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