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News Date: November 8, 2020

CISA warns against disinformation on election results, election process. Be prepared for efforts that call into question the legitimacy of the election.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) works to ensure the physical security and cybersecurity of the systems and assets that supports the Nations elections. Known as election infrastructure, this assembly of systems and networks includes but is not limited to:
> Voter registration databases and associated IT systems
> IT infrastructure and systems used to manage elections (such as the counting, auditing, and displaying of election results, and post-election reporting to certify and validate results)
> Voting systems and associated infrastructure
> Storage facilities for election and voting system infrastructure
> Polling places to include early voting locations

Iraq, one more brick to GESARA

The Iraqi Prime Minister has expressed interest in joining BRICS, pending an invitation from the founding members, showcasing Iraq's desire to strengthen its global ties.
Furthermore, Iraq is set to ban cash withdrawals and U.S. dollar transactions from January 1, 2024, signaling a shift in its financial strategy and greater economic autonomy.
These developments underline Iraq's proactive stance in international affairs.
The Iraqi Dinar (IQD) is experiencing a significant surge in the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market, marking a turning point for Iraq's currency.
Several factors, including economic recovery, global recognition of Iraq's gold & oil reserves, and proactive measures by the government and central bank, have contributed to the IQD's newfound strength.
This surge is not only attracting investors but also enhancing Iraq's role in international trade. Ultimately, the IQD's rise is empowering both Iraq's economy and its citizens by increasing purchasing power and economic opportunities.

Executive Order on Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days, any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, of the Selected Reserve under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed 200 Selected Reservists at any one time, as he considers necessary.

Quantum Space Force

The use of quantum computing, communication, and control could profoundly tip the scales in this next chapter of the space race.
Quantum encryption presents the most enticing hope of a massive security advantage with regard to satellites in space, allowing for the highest level of security possible.
The use of quantum encryption would theoretically prevent hackers from cracking codes and other forms of espionage, military or otherwise. Quantum computing could allow for an exponential military advantage in space.
Satellites equipped with quantum capabilities would enable offensive tactics like surveillance and reconnaissance to be done with greater speed, accuracy, and security than ever before.

Fiat destruction. Crypto or gold?

The world stands on the threshold of monetary hyperinflation with the US dollar leading the way. The final months of fiat money are coming into view.
The final solution is bound to be with central banks and government treasury departments retaining their control as issuers of money by the only means at their disposal: deploying their gold reserves to back their currencies, not as fiat, but as credible gold substitutes.
The crypto cohort is likely to have an important effect, in that it sparks an early realization in a growing part of the wider population about what government is doing with money. That is likely to speed up the collapse of fiat currencies compared to what would otherwise occur.
The flexibility in the supply of monetary gold and the stability of prices allows the original rate of interest to be both low and stable. It allows entrepreneurs to do business calculations with a high degree of certainty, knowing in terms of goods the value of money. And savers, who provide the monetary capital for future production can be confident of the future capital value of their savings when lending them for business investment purposes.

Ramaswamy supports Trump and commodity-backed currency

Billionaire entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy claims BRICS is developing a gold-backed currency to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's primary reserve currency.
"This is a major problem for the United States.
This would permanently increase our borrowing cost if the dollar is no longer the established reserve currency of the world.
So yes, actually, that does matter. The right way to deal with it, though, is not to try to swat that down, but increase the value proposition of the dollar itself by pegging the dollar to hard commodities," he stated in a press conference.
Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Donald Trump. Known for supporting currencies backed by commodities, his alliance with Trump suggests a shared vision for economic stability and challenges to traditional fiat systems.

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