Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flying saucer patent » News » Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flying saucer patent
News Date: May 12, 2020
1, Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flies butterfly.
2, Cosmic gravitational energy generating system apparatus.
3, antigravity system and device.
4, the two dish of outer image cover the dish-shaped housing that forms mutually.
SLD 45 & SpaceX Starlink launch
Congratulations to SpaceX, all the Guardians and Airmen of SLDelta45 that made the Starlink 4-3 launch possible this evening.This launch kicks off what is sure to be a busy December, with 5 launches slated to close out the year.
Without the dedication from their teammates, this high ops tempo would not be possible!
Source: SpaceForceDoD
Experimental Tesla Tower in Texas confirmed
Viziv Technologies has really built an experimental Tesla Tower in Texas to distribute wireless energy long distances, one hundred years after Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower has abandoned.Also, Elon Musk Moved to Texas: Tesla CEO is a Texan Now.
He has confirmed his residential move to Texas as of December 8th.
The exact region of Texas has not been identified.
Governments hate gold
Do governments hate gold? The short answer is Yes.Governments hate gold because they cannot print it, and it is difficult for them to control.
Because they cannot print it or easily control it, gold has little use to them during the never-ending schemes to tax and then redistribute wealth.
Legal tender laws mean that all taxes must be paid in fiat currency, not gold or silver (held in physical form).
Nothing but sponsored fiat currencies issued by the government is acceptable to pay debts and taxes.
Zimbabwe launched the gold-backed currency
Zimbabwe has decided to replace its struggling local currency with a new one backed by gold and foreign currencies in an effort to stabilize its economy and combat inflation.The country reintroduced its own currency in 2019 after a period of dollarization, but it failed to gain public trust, with over 80% of transactions now conducted in foreign currency.
The new currency, named Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), will circulate alongside other foreign currencies.
The exchange rate for ZiG will be determined by the closing interbank exchange rate on April 5 and the London PM Fix price of gold on April 4.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe described the new currency as "structured," backed by a combination of foreign currency and precious metals, primarily gold, held as reserves by the central bank.
"If we implement these measures, we expect them to have an impact on inflation," central bank governor John Mushayavanhu told reporters.
Saudi Arabia joins SCO
Riyadh joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization as ties with Beijing grow.Saudi Arabia's cabinet approved on Wednesday a decision to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as Riyadh builds a long-term partnership with China despite U.S. security concerns.