
G-24 calls for debt relief for developing countries » » G-24 calls for debt relief for developing countries

Date: October 11, 2023

The G-24, a group of 28 member countries including China, is strongly advocating for sustainable debt relief measures for low-income nations due to their concerns over escalating, unsustainable public debt burdens.
They conveyed this message during the 2023 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund on October 10.
The G-24's core mission is to coordinate and amplify the voices of developing countries on monetary and development issues, underscoring their commitment to global economic stability and the well-being of vulnerable nations.

Ramaswamy supports Trump and commodity-backed currency

Billionaire entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy claims BRICS is developing a gold-backed currency to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's primary reserve currency.
"This is a major problem for the United States.
This would permanently increase our borrowing cost if the dollar is no longer the established reserve currency of the world.
So yes, actually, that does matter. The right way to deal with it, though, is not to try to swat that down, but increase the value proposition of the dollar itself by pegging the dollar to hard commodities," he stated in a press conference.
Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Donald Trump. Known for supporting currencies backed by commodities, his alliance with Trump suggests a shared vision for economic stability and challenges to traditional fiat systems.

Dutch Central Bank Preparing for the Gold Standard

Update from November 18, 2023:
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) disclosed in a recent interview that it has modified its gold reserves to bring them into line with those of other nations within and outside the eurozone.
Motivated by political factors, this policy seeks to maintain strength and balance in reserves in relation to GDP.
Additionally, DNB proposed that during a financial crisis, an increase in the price of gold might make it possible to utilize official gold reserves as a stabilizing mechanism to uphold or create a new gold standard.
News from November 3, 2022:
Dutch Central Bank discussing Gold Revaluation
The DUTCH government openly discussed canceling debt by revaluation of the Gold price.
The Governor of the Dutch Central Bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses.
Sources: gainesvillecoins

White House is green. The endgame

St. Patrick was good. The white house is green. Know what I mean?
Is it GO TIME for the ENDGAME (last stage) and time for the traitors.
This is about Revelation. The Beast to be exposed!

New financial order supported by South Africa

South Africa's president has endorsed China's proposal for a new global financial order.
Ramaphosa acknowledged that there had been huge developments in the geopolitical scene in response to a News24 inquiry on Saturday regarding China's desire for a new financial order.

SpaceX Developing Military Version Of Starlink Satellites

Elon Musk's SpaceX is expanding its Starlink satellite technology into military applications with a new business line called Starshield.
"While Starlink is designed for consumer and commercial use, Starshield is designed for government use," the company wrote on its website.
SpaceX's ongoing work with the Department of Defense and other partners demonstrates our ability to provide in-space and on-ground capability at scale.
Sources: theepochtimes

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