
Executive Order related to NESARA » News » Executive Order related to NESARA

News Date: November 15, 2020

Executive Order on Establishing the Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission.
The American founding envisioned a political order in harmony with the design of the Laws of Nature and of Natures God, seeing the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as embodied in and sanctioned by natural law and its traditions.
This Executive Order was issued on 2nd Nov, the day before the election. Looks like Trump enacted NESARA 120 days from there, under the guise of an educational executive order.

Treasury Secretary: Expect a decline in the dollar as Reserve Currency

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Acknowledges Countries' Trend Toward 'Replacing The Dollar'.
Expect a gradual decline in the dollar's share of global reserves, according to Yellen.
During a congressional hearing, she was asked about dedollarization, to which she responded with her remarks.
The statements come amid global de-dollarization initiatives being undertaken by a number of nations, including the BRICS economic bloc.

Biblical Nephilim giants around Trump?

Biblical Nephilim giants walking with POTUS?
Is it the same guy in Dan Scavino cover pic (in front of airplane)?
We have good extraterrestrials beings protecting POTUS!,

10 Days to Remember. Our New Age

Solar Eclipse, Solstice, Great Conjunction & Mars Square Pluto - 10 Days to Remember - Dec 14/23.
This is going to be a very fast-paced and INTERESTING few weeks ahead of us! The Solar Eclipse is just one of the major events we have to look forward to.
Effectively Using the Eclipse, Solstice, and Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction to Recreate Human Society...
And this is what it must take for all of humanity, to be free. We cannot fight off the oppressors, nor can we plead with them to free us from our cells. We have to BE free, ACT free, for them to lose their power over us. We must OWN our sovereignty.

The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act introduced

June 8 update:
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced the bill in the Senate:
Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act
May 17 update:
US Rep. Thomas Massie Introduced Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act to End the Fed.
He announced the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act.
May 15 news:
U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, KY4, asked Twitter followers whether to introduce a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve.
Sounds like Gesara and Nesara to me!
NESARA 13: Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
You can check the votes here:
"Should I introduce a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve?"

Saudi Arabia Open to Talks on Trade in Currencies Besides Dollar

Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, is open to discussing oil trade settlements in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, Saudi Minister of Finance, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, told Bloomberg TV in an interview in Davos on Tuesday.
Source: bloomberg

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