
G-20 Plans Extraordinary Meeting to Discuss Debt Relief » News » G-20 Plans Extraordinary Meeting to Discuss Debt Relief

News Date: October 28, 2020

Finance ministers and central bankers from the worlds largest economies plan to hold an extraordinary meeting on November 13 to discuss bolder action to help poor nations struggling to repay their debts.
The meeting could mark the next phase in the global debt-relief drive-by bolstering coordination between government creditors over how to restructure the debts of poor economies hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump Tower famous escalator Currency Exchange

5 years ago, on June 16th, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States Of America.
He came down the famous escalator along with Melania at Trump Tower!
This is a day to remember!
Look behind!!!
Is this just a coincidence?
Currency Exchange?
Gold walls?

Star Trek-like Replicator prints 3D objects

This is a new technique to 3D print entire objects in one go, by solidifying liquid resin with projected light.
Scientists have invented a 3D printer that uses light to transform gloopy liquids into solid objects.
Nicknamed the replicator after the Star Trek machine that makes things on demand, the device can create objects that are smoother and more complex than those made with standard 3D printers.,

Petition to Announce and Implement NESARA act passed under Obama administration

The petition to Announce and Implement the ACT - NESARA reached its goal of 5000 Signatures under Obama administration.
It was created by F.P. on September 28, 2011 and reached 6,623 signatures.

Banking for All Act

S.3571 - Banking for All Act
To require member banks to maintain pass-through digital dollar wallets for certain persons, and for other purposes.
Member banks shall open and maintain pass-through digital dollar wallets for all persons, including persons eligible to receive payments from the United States pursuant to a Federal law relating to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), who elect to deposit funds into pass-through digital dollar wallets.

Treasury Secretary: Expect a decline in the dollar as Reserve Currency

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Acknowledges Countries' Trend Toward 'Replacing The Dollar'.
Expect a gradual decline in the dollar's share of global reserves, according to Yellen.
During a congressional hearing, she was asked about dedollarization, to which she responded with her remarks.
The statements come amid global de-dollarization initiatives being undertaken by a number of nations, including the BRICS economic bloc.

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