
Gold Standard Bill re-introduced » News » Gold Standard Bill re-introduced

News Date: October 10, 2022

May 12, 2024 update: U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) has reintroduced a bill aimed at eliminating federal income taxation on gold and silver coins as well as bullion, emphasizing the value of stable currency.
Older news:
U.S. Congressman Introduces Gold Standard Bill as Inflation Spirals Out of Control.
Rep. Alex Mooney proposes the United States adopt a new gold standard after U.S. government officials first disclose all gold holdings and secret gold transactions, allowing the gold price to adjust to its fair market value.
Referred to as the 'Gold Standard Restoration Act' by sound money activists, H.R. 9157 calls for the repegging of the Federal Reserve note to gold in order to address the ongoing problems of inflation, runaway federal debt, and monetary system instability.
Alex Mooney also introduced H.R.5404 (2018), a bill to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
Sources: ,

China increased Russian gold import

Russian Gold Rerouted to China Amid Western Ban.
China imported $108.8 million worth of Russian gold in July - a 750% increase from June and a 4,800% increase from the same month last year.
China may be just one of several important new destinations for Russian gold in Asia and the Middle East.

Next generation supersonic jet

Virgin released a few fantastic conceptual designs of the new supersonic commercial aircraft that would have the capacity for 9 to 19 people at an altitude above 60,000 feet.
The now-retired Concorde flew at average cruising speed around Mach 2, which would mean the Virgin aircraft could hit speeds over 2,300 mph, or about 50% faster.,

Dutch Central Bank Preparing for the Gold Standard

Update from November 18, 2023:
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) disclosed in a recent interview that it has modified its gold reserves to bring them into line with those of other nations within and outside the eurozone.
Motivated by political factors, this policy seeks to maintain strength and balance in reserves in relation to GDP.
Additionally, DNB proposed that during a financial crisis, an increase in the price of gold might make it possible to utilize official gold reserves as a stabilizing mechanism to uphold or create a new gold standard.
News from November 3, 2022:
Dutch Central Bank discussing Gold Revaluation
The DUTCH government openly discussed canceling debt by revaluation of the Gold price.
The Governor of the Dutch Central Bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses.
Sources: gainesvillecoins

EO on the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee

Donald Trump signed an Executive Order on Establishing the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee at White House, August 30, 2019.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) is an emerging field with the potential to cause revolutionary advances in fields of science and engineering involving computation, communication, precision measurement, and fundamental quantum science.,

China testing digital yuan in four cities

The app is available for download in four cities selected for the initial trial: Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou and Xiongan. She highlights the inclusion of Xiongan, a new metropolis located on the outskirts of Beijing

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