
H.R.5404, a bill to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold » News » H.R.5404, a bill to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold

News Date: May 5, 2020

H.R. 5404 is a bill introduced by Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV2) that would bring the U.S. back to the gold standard once and for all. It would take effect exactly 30 months after the bill was passed, to allow an adjustment period in the American economy. Interestingly for a Republican-introduced bill, if the bill was enacted any time after July 2018, that 30-month window would come under the administration of the 2020 election.

ISO 20022 migration launched

Swift's ISO 20022 Services for Cross-Border Payments Ready for Customer Testing with Launch of In-Flow Translation.
Swift launches translation service for cross-border payments.
In-flow Translation will enable financial institutions to realize the benefits of rich data when they migrate to ISO 20022, even if their counterparts have not yet adopted the standard.
The availability of a test environment means that customers can now prepare for ISO 20022 a year before it goes live.

More BRICS and Bretton Woods 3

Expanding BRICS to create an alternative power bloc is enticing for many countries.
Talk of the BRICS nations creating a new reserve currency introduced the idea of 'Bretton Woods 3.0'.
The Bretton Woods Agreement was negotiated in July 1944 by delegates from 44 countries at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
Thus, the name 'Bretton Woods Agreement'.
Under the Bretton Woods System, gold was the basis for the U.S. dollar and other currencies were pegged to the U.S. dollar's value.
The Bretton Woods System effectively came to an end in the early 1970s when President Richard M. Nixon announced that the U.S. would no longer exchange gold for U.S. currency.
Sources: investopedia

Digital Yuan for Cross-Border payments launched

In Hong Kong, the Bank of China is leading the push for widespread cross-border usage of the digital yuan.
From experimental programs to cutting-edge applications, they have advanced.
One such application allows guests from the mainland to add more money to their Octopus cards using digital yuan.
In a different development, PetroChina successfully executed the first global trade of crude oil using e-CNY, the digital currency of the Chinese central bank, with the intention of extending its use worldwide.
As of June, transactions on China's highly advanced CBDC had totaled 1.8 trillion yuan.

VISA & Currencycloud with Ripple on cross-border payments

Currencycloud to focus on new territories currently under-represented for SMEs, to make global movement of money more efficient.
Currencycloud, the global leader in providing embedded B2B cross-border payments for platforms of the future, announced a partnership with Ripple, the enterprise blockchain solution for global payments. RippleNet, Ripple's global financial payments network, makes it easy for its diverse network of financial institutions worldwide to enable faster, lower-cost payments around the world.
Visa partner Currencycloud is now working with Ripple to expand their business-to-business cross-border payments platform.,

Saudi Arabia ready for SCO

At the initiative of the Saudi side, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud.
They discussed cooperation in the SCO , MBS expressed his readiness to actively participate in its work.
The parties also discussed the coordination of the two countries in order to ensure stability in oil market.

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