
Ripple partner Nium takes on SWIFT » News » Ripple partner Nium takes on SWIFT

News Date: March 18, 2022

The new solution, which leverages Ripple's blockchain network Ripplenet, claims to lower settlement costs for Financial Institutions by up to 90% for international brokerage account transactions when compared to transactions settled via the SWIFT International Payments Network.
XRP powers NIUM's alternative to swift.
Nium has pointed to three major benefits of its global payments network and new brokerage solution: cost savings of up to 90%, improved customer satisfaction, and increased demand for new partnerships.

The Reserve Bank of India has increased its gold reserve

There was a sharp jump in the foreign currency assets and gold reserves.
All components in forex reserves climbed with gold reserves outperforming foreign currency assets (FCA) in the week.
RBI announced key measures that are likely to protect the Indian rupee at the interbank forex market and further drive the reserves.
The value of gold reserves rose by $1.140 billion to $39.642 billion during the week ended July 29.
This is the highest monthly purchase since September 2021.

First Manned Flying Car

Japanese company successfully tested a manned flying car for the first time.
Sky Drive Inc., a Toyota-backed start-up with a mission for developing flying cars, has conducted the public demonstration on August 25, manned test flight of one its aerial vehicles after years of work. The SD-03, with its glossy white exteriors and sleek aerodynamic body, flew around Toyota Test Field, showing the world that such a thing as flying cars can exist beyond fantasy and fiction.

What is Quantum Internet

Traditional computer data is coded in either zeros or ones. Quantum information is superimposed in both zeros and ones simultaneously.
The quantum internet is a network that will let quantum devices exchange some information within an environment that harnesses the odd laws of quantum mechanics.
In theory, this would lend the quantum internet unprecedented capabilities that are impossible to carry out with current web applications.

NESARA is Happening

We are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC (Political Action Committee), which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections, said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell.
NESARA section 6: Returns Constitutional Law - the formation of Restore the Republic PAC.
Section 8: Establishes new elections. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. - The Military.
Section 9: Monitors elections - Quantum Voting System (QVS).
Game Over! Thanks for watching Castle Rock!

Gold Is Going To Be The New Global Currency

America not only has record debts but the Fed keeps creating dollars as the tsunami of money cheapens the worlds leading currency.
A man who is connected in China at the highest levels said gold is going to be the new global currency.
Central banks bought 90 tonnes this spring and data player Palantir Technologies bought $50 million in gold bars in August.
US taxpayers and investors require their attractive insurance policy against rampant government spending and currency depreciation.
Gold is such an asset since it has no counterparty risk. It will become more valuable as more money is issued to finance government spending.

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