
Judy Shelton for Fed board, return to the gold standard » News » Judy Shelton for Fed board, return to the gold standard

News Date: July 12, 2020

Senate banking panel to resume considering Judy Shelton for Fed board.
The nomination of Shelton appeared in jeopardy earlier this year as Republicans and Democrats on the banking panel expressed concerns over her views on the independence of the Fed from the White House, as well as her advocacy in the past for returning the United States to the gold standard.

Quantum Banking System, quantum-grammar construct

Quantum-Banking system is the Declaration of Independence of the world, ending the Socialist Fiat debt system.
Russell-Jay Gould, Post-Master-General on Quantum-Grammar, Quantum-Banking:
Quantum-grammar essentially offers a mathematical way to write contracts in a proper and correct way which cannot be misunderstood, upholds integrity in contracting, and holds all parties duly accountable for whatever they promise to deliver. Unlike English, which is rife with confusion and carries contradictions and denials that most people know nothing about-prefixes like un and re for instance are negations-but which manipulative central bankers, moneyed bloodline families, and long lineages of moneylenders have operated to their secret advantage and to the detriment of the ignorant citizenry, quantum-grammar puts everything on the table in plain sight and precludes any kind of shoring up of advantage by anyone, while holding people to their word. Using quantum-grammar and proper ways to contract with each other and create the systems-banking, judicial, educational, communicational which will truly work for us.,

Executive Order related to NESARA

Executive Order on Establishing the Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission.
The American founding envisioned a political order in harmony with the design of the Laws of Nature and of Natures God, seeing the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as embodied in and sanctioned by natural law and its traditions.
This Executive Order was issued on 2nd Nov, the day before the election. Looks like Trump enacted NESARA 120 days from there, under the guise of an educational executive order.

BRICS Prepares for Global Currency Reset

Russian IMF representative, Alexey Mozhin, in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Friday, suggests BRICS nations should prepare for a potential collapse of the dollar and international monetary system by offering an alternative currency.
Mozhin's remarks highlight the increasing recognition of the flaws in the current financial system and the potential role of BRICS in providing an alternative solution.
"Such a proposal is being discussed. In the event of the collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system, it will be necessary to turn the said BRICS accounting unit into a real currency, backed by exchange goods,", he stated.

Federal Reserve Endorses Ethereum-Backed Alternative To Libor

Jerome Powell, the current Chair of the US Federal Reserve, recently stated that an Ethereum-backed blockchain project operating as a reference rate called AMERIBOR could serve as a potential replacement to LIBOR.
Goldman Sachs-backed crypto finance startup Circle has published the latest third-party audit of its USD-pegged stablecoin, USD Coin (USDC). USD Coin is on the Ethereum blockchain. The execution of issuing and redeeming USDC tokens is ensured with ERC-20 smart contract.
A district court in China has reportedly ruled that Ethereum's cryptocurrency is legal property with economic value.
While cryptocurrency is not legal tender in China, people can hold and transfer them like property.

Gold Treaty accomplished as banks to fail

The fiat currency is crashing. Ink on paper is not real money. You can not print gold & silver. All countries are switching away from this money system to asset backed.
The "Gold Treaty" of 2013 deals with the global currency reset. The treaty and the move back to sound asset backed money effects every citizen of this nation and all nations around the world. We the people would like a response to the contents of the referenced documents. With solid details as to the progress and stance of the current administration towards the implementation of sound money and the control of the criminal central banking institutions.
President Trump accomplished the final requirement of the 209 nation Gold Treaty and GESARA when he oversaw Israel, UAE and Bahrain signing the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement on Tuesday 15 Sept.,

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