
Lebanon Cancels Central Bank Debts, Which is next? » News » Lebanon Cancels Central Bank Debts, Which is next?

News Date: May 26, 2022

Lebanon Recovery Plan Includes Central Bank Debt Write-Off, Haircuts to Depositors.
The government foresees canceling a large part of the central bank's foreign currency obligations to commercial banks.
The plan includes several measures that are prerequisites to unlock funds from a preliminary deal with the IMF agreed in April.

Debts going down, Gold rate up

Look at US debt clock!
Despite pandemic, Total personal debt and credit card debt are going backwards.
This reminds NESARA first section:
Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a "jubilee" or complete forgiveness of debt.
Gold, metals rates are going up!
NESARA 10th section:
Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals...

VISA & Currencycloud with Ripple on cross-border payments

Currencycloud to focus on new territories currently under-represented for SMEs, to make global movement of money more efficient.
Currencycloud, the global leader in providing embedded B2B cross-border payments for platforms of the future, announced a partnership with Ripple, the enterprise blockchain solution for global payments. RippleNet, Ripple's global financial payments network, makes it easy for its diverse network of financial institutions worldwide to enable faster, lower-cost payments around the world.
Visa partner Currencycloud is now working with Ripple to expand their business-to-business cross-border payments platform.,

Welcome to quantum computing era FED

Fed Announces It Will Quit Printing Paper Money. The Federal Reserve will not be printing new paper currency (they have already ceased making coins).
PayPal is leaping into the cryptocurrency market, Starting in the next few weeks, users in the US can buy and sell bitcoin and several other digital currencies on the platform.
Quantum computers will be orders of magnitude more powerful than anything we have today. Scientists predict that the emerging era of quantum computing could lead to great breakthroughs.,,

Ramaswamy supports Trump and commodity-backed currency

Billionaire entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy claims BRICS is developing a gold-backed currency to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's primary reserve currency.
"This is a major problem for the United States.
This would permanently increase our borrowing cost if the dollar is no longer the established reserve currency of the world.
So yes, actually, that does matter. The right way to deal with it, though, is not to try to swat that down, but increase the value proposition of the dollar itself by pegging the dollar to hard commodities," he stated in a press conference.
Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Donald Trump. Known for supporting currencies backed by commodities, his alliance with Trump suggests a shared vision for economic stability and challenges to traditional fiat systems.

World Bank Looking to Trim Poor Nations Debt

The World Bank is looking at ways to reduce the amount of debt owed by poor countries, rather than simply delaying payments, to attract more investors in the wake of the global pandemic and recession, President David Malpass said.
President of the WorldBank Group remarked to G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors: I emphasized the need for further progress on Debt Suspension, Debt Reduction, Debt Resolution, Debt Transparency.,

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