
Brazil is pushing to reform the World Bank and the IMF » News » Brazil is pushing to reform the World Bank and the IMF

News Date: October 5, 2023

Brazil's G20 presidency is focused on leveraging its influence to drive essential reforms within the IMF and the World Bank.
The nation aims to enhance the representation of emerging economies, including the BRICS nations, in these institutions.
Additionally, Brazil is exploring alternative financial mechanisms like the BRICS Bank to complement the existing global financial architecture.
This proactive approach seeks to create a fairer and more inclusive global economic order.

American Sovereignty Restoration Bill

H.R.204 - American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2019:
This bill directs the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.) and all affiliated bodies. It also ends U.S. participation in all U.N. conventions and agreements.
Funds may be appropriated to facilitate U.S. withdrawal from the U.N. No funds may be made available for contribution to or paid to any U.N. body. No member of the U.S. Armed Forces may serve under U.N. command, and no funds may be used to support Armed Forces participation in U.N. military operations.
President Donald Trump spoke to the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly. He said "The future does not belong to globalists, the future belongs to patriots.",

Defcon Level Warning System: Returning To Gold Standard

Russia is reportedly returning to the gold standard.
The government will abolish the VAT (tax) on bullion when purchasing gold bars or other precious metals from a bank.
The 20% current tax on top of its value will not apply.
According to Money Week China 'almost certainly' owns more gold than the United States and both Russia and China have been expecting that they must separate from the U.S. dollar and have been increasing their gold holdings so that they will be prepared for such a time.
Maxime Bernier said that China and Russia have both accumulated a lot of gold and are dumping their dollar assets.
"By escalating the Ukraine conflict and imposing financial sanctions, we are pushing them to establish an alternative global monetary system, likely based on gold" he stated.
"When this happens the US$ will crash and our massively indebted economies will suffer.
This is a big geopolitical blunder. And btw Canada has no gold reserve. We won't have anything to support the CAN$. Almost nobody sees this coming". he added.
Maxime Bernier said that he supports the return to sound money and a gold standard, but not in an 'unprepared and destabilizing fashion as the one we are facing now'.
Source: Defcon Level Warning System

The last bastion. President Xi Purges Chinas deep state

President Xi is launching his own war against Chinas deep state by launching a full-blown purge of the state security apparatus.
The ultimate goal of the campaign is simple: create police, prosecutors and judges who are absolutely loyal, absolutely pure and absolutely reliable.

US Sanctions Risking systemic collapse

Russia could ask for rubles or gold in exchange for energy. If that occurred Europe would have little choice. The real leverage in the Petrodollar system is on the 'petro' side.
It will be interesting to see how this develops. If energy payments begin moving outside of the SWIFT system, then the Petrodollar will be severely damaged.
Regardless, it's going to be disruptive and we're going to see additional problems. Very likely we will see further money printing and more stagflation.
The United States' attempts to simultaneously take on both Russia and China is a bad idea. We're forcing the two of them together while Europe is trying to play both sides. This situation will end with China and Russia gaining status.
Russian citizens have also been buying gold. This crisis will hurt their citizens, but this isn't Russia's first rodeo. The fact that Putin has done this either means he's lost his mind or he has a plan and found a window of opportunity.
We could see serious spillover effects on bonds and real yields.
The United States can't afford higher rates, and they can't remove Russia's oil without destroying their own markets.
We could see big changes should Russia use their gold as leverage. Possible scenarios that could occur should gold be revalued.

Iran Joins Russia in BRICS Currency Initiative

Iran is collaborating with Russia in BRICS initiatives, including developing a single currency for the bloc, according to Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali.
He highlighted Iran's active role as a new BRICS member at the Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum.
"The creation of a new single currency within the framework of the association is what Russia and Iran are working on," the diplomat stated.

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