
What is Sound Money? Monetary reset

Date: August 16, 2020 Category: News

A somewhat polemical term for a currency backed by a tangible commodity such as gold, silver or platinum. Sound money has an intrinsic value, but is more susceptible to deflation than fiat money. Many...

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Congressional Sound Money Caucus

Date: August 16,2020 Category: News

As you can see, the supply of dollars has gone up dramatically, really since the gold standard ended in 1971. It is a gradual slope.
But if you see since the recession, it has been aggressive. A...

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Fed testing FooWire blockchain with Hyperledger

Date: August 15, 2020 Category: News

Federal Reserve detailed FooWire distributed ledger experiment designed to test whether the technology is suited for payments application.
The team built the system using Hyperledger Fabric, a p...

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Joint Declaration of Support for Democratic Change in Venezuela

Date: August 14, 2020 Category: News

A swift and peaceful transition to democracy is the most effective and sustainable route to stability, recovery and prosperity in Venezuela. We remain committed to helping the Venezuelan people achiev...

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Trump: Things are happening that I cant talk about

Date: August 14, 2020 Category: News

HUGE breakthrough in Trumps 17 minute remarks Announcing the Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, exactly at min 3:17:
Trump: Things are happening that I can't...

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