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News Date: May 28, 2021

Ready for Med Bed Level Technology Dawn. We are close to receiving this worlds precious gift, the introduction of over 6,000 patents and cures will be among them.
This is definitely one of the most profound technologies and said to have been used in the secret space program for over 80 years; imagine health care and maintenance so advanced that it can turn back the hands of time erasing the physical; mental and emotional scars and battles of the everyday traumas of life and aging process through the technologies of frequency healing and quantum devices.
The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary New Age of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with energies and healing frequencies.

Iraq is working on issuing a digital currency and deleting zeros from the dinar

Central Bank of Iraq: We are working on issuing a digital currency and deleting zeros from the dinar requires an atmosphere.
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makheef, said on Tuesday that the bank is working on issuing digital currency to keep pace with the development of monetary transactions in the region and the world, stressing that deleting zeros from the local currency requires a calm economic atmosphere for that.
Sources: search4dinar

United States and China are seeking debt relief measures

The United States and China are in frequent discussions to prevent emerging market sovereign defaults.
Talks include preemptive measures such as extending loan periods to ease the annual debt service burden of over US$400 billion for poor countries.
Ideas also involve increased financing from the World Bank and others to address high borrowing rates.
The aim is to implement these measures before countries default and enter formal restructuring talks with creditors.
The Treasury Department: "we talk frequently with China about sovereign debt concerns.
And we talk to many countries about how to make sure the international financial architecture is meeting low-income country financing needs".

Putin Announces BRICS Independent Payment System

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that BRICS is developing an independent payment system, free from political pressure and external interference.
Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin emphasized that countries are racing to strengthen their sovereignty against Western hegemony.
He criticized Western nations for their neo-imperialist intentions and highlighted BRICS+ as a counterweight to Western power.
He noted that BRICS has the potential to attract new members and is actively working on a new payment system to avoid political and economic sanctions.

Trump Purges 11 Leading Advisors From Defense Policy Board

Several members of the top federal advisory committee to the U.S. Department of Defense have been suddenly pushed out, multiple U.S. officials told Foreign Policy, in what appears to be the outgoing Trump administrations parting shot at scions of the foreign-policy establishment.
The directive removes 11 high-profile advisors from the Defense Policy Board, including former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright; retired Adm. Gary Roughead, who served as chief of naval operations; and a onetime ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Jane Harman. Rudy De Leon, a former chief operating officer at the Pentagon once considered by then-Defense Secretary James Mattis for a high-level policy role, will also be ousted.

Cryptocurrencies backed by gold and shares

Unlike most other cryptocurrencies, YEM is backed by gold and also by 100 000 shares of SafeZone, Inc
Official website:
Gold-backed cryptocurrency is a type of crypto stablecoin where each token is backed with physical gold. With the token price pegged to the gold price, there is less price volatility compared to Bitcoin or other altcoins.
A guide to gold-backed cryptocurrency:
Also, Beijing announces a digital currency backed by gold:

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