
The big switch to yuan and National Currencies » News » The big switch to yuan and National Currencies

News Date: March 23, 2023

Putin, Xi Vow to Use Yuan as Russia and China Move to Settlements in National Currencies.
Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, Africa, and Latam.
Putin expressed that using national currencies for international trading 'should be encouraged further.'
Source: news.bitcoin

Q phones are coming. Say goodbye to old phones

Q-Phones are already developed and manufactured in Germany, the United Kingdom with a final software upgrade in the United States.
This smartphone is 3 dimensional and of the highest quality.
It will become one of the main tools for direct credit and expenditures in daily life for consumer retail and business commerce domestically and internationally.
This is a five hundred billion dollar manufacturing operation in three countries.
Cost may increase as seven billion Q-phones will be disbursed to all people on earth.
The QFS will create its own Internet that will work off its trinary code and perhaps a G8 network for SATCOM.

Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flying saucer patent

1, Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flies butterfly.
2, Cosmic gravitational energy generating system apparatus.
3, antigravity system and device.
4, the two dish of outer image cover the dish-shaped housing that forms mutually.

Russia is promoting its SWIFT-like system

Russia's SWIFT alternative is expanding quickly according to the country's central bank governor, Elvira Nabiullina statement:
"Russia has a System for Transmitting Financial Messages (SPFS), which is an alternative to SWIFT.
Similar infrastructure exists in some other countries.
We are holding discussions on the interaction of such platforms, but here the interest and technical readiness of our partners are important.
159 foreign participants from 20 countries have already joined the Russian system." SPFS - Sistema peredachi finansovykh soobscheniy;
SWIFT - The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Headquarters: La Hulpe, Belgium);
SPFS and SWIFT are global financial messaging systems.
Financial messaging involves using messaging channels to exchange crucial financial information, from account updates to fraud alerts.
The Chinese alternative is named: The Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS).

Somalia secured the debt relief from IMF and World Bank

Following Ethiopia's $1.5 billion agreement in November, the IMF and World Bank recently granted $4.5 billion to Somalia in debt relief, which represents a significant step toward reducing financial pressures in the region.
This show of unity denotes a deliberate attempt to tackle the economic difficulties these countries are facing.
It seeks to strengthen Somalia's faltering economy and promote stability and long-term growth in the region by reducing debt.
These programs highlight the value of international collaboration in supporting poor countries, highlighting the critical role these organizations play in enabling economic recovery and supporting important developmental projects.

10 Days to Remember. Our New Age

Solar Eclipse, Solstice, Great Conjunction & Mars Square Pluto - 10 Days to Remember - Dec 14/23.
This is going to be a very fast-paced and INTERESTING few weeks ahead of us! The Solar Eclipse is just one of the major events we have to look forward to.
Effectively Using the Eclipse, Solstice, and Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction to Recreate Human Society...
And this is what it must take for all of humanity, to be free. We cannot fight off the oppressors, nor can we plead with them to free us from our cells. We have to BE free, ACT free, for them to lose their power over us. We must OWN our sovereignty.

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