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News Date: July 27, 2020

Procedures for Lender Submission of Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Decisions to SBA and SBA Forgiveness Loan.
The purpose of this Notice is to inform Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Lenders of the processes for submitting decisions on PPP borrower loan forgiveness applications to SBA, requesting payment of the forgiveness amount determined by the Lender, SBA loan forgiveness reviews and payment of the loan forgiveness amount determined by SBA.
The PPP Forgiveness Platform will go live and begin accepting Lender submissions on August 10, 2020, subject to extension if any new legislative amendments to the forgiveness process necessitate changes to the system.

IMF Debt forgiveness for 25 poorest countries

IMF Executive Board approved immediate debt service relief to 25 of the IMF's member countries under the IMF's revamped Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) as part of the Fund's response to help address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

XRP the Ripple force in the Federal Reserve projects

Fed Faster Payments Task Force gives Ripple vote of confidence for next gen of global payments.
Ripple's Executive Elected to Fed's Faster payments Task Force.
The desired outcomes focused on speed, security, efficiency, cross border payments, and industry collaboration.

Gold Standard imminent

The current fiat international monetary system is ending - unconventional monetary policy has entered a dead end street and can't reverse.
Research reveals that European central banks have prepared a new international gold standard. Since the 1970s, policies that paved the way for an equitable and durable monetary system have gradually been implemented.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

CISA warns against disinformation on election results, election process. Be prepared for efforts that call into question the legitimacy of the election.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) works to ensure the physical security and cybersecurity of the systems and assets that supports the Nations elections. Known as election infrastructure, this assembly of systems and networks includes but is not limited to:
> Voter registration databases and associated IT systems
> IT infrastructure and systems used to manage elections (such as the counting, auditing, and displaying of election results, and post-election reporting to certify and validate results)
> Voting systems and associated infrastructure
> Storage facilities for election and voting system infrastructure
> Polling places to include early voting locations

Principles of BRICS expansion

Russian Foreign Ministry: BRICS countries discuss principles of alliance expansion.
Ivan Nechayev, deputy director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said at a briefing on Thursday, August 11, that the establishment of criteria for the accession of new BRICS members is already underway.
Iran and Argentina applied to join the BRICS, and later it became known that Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Algeria would also like to become part of the alliance.
In addition, Cuba's ambassador expressed the need for economic cooperation with the BRICS.

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