
Russia invites Iraq to join BRICS » » Russia invites Iraq to join BRICS

Date: February 22, 2024

The Russian ambassador in Baghdad Elbrus Kutrashev invites Iraq to join BRICS.
He expressed personal ties to the country. Russia pledges support and dismisses any agenda against the U.S.
He recalls Iraq's resistance to American occupation and clarifies Russian companies' interest in Iraq as commercial expansion, not filling voids.
The ambassador denies plans to send Russian forces, emphasizing it's not Russia's approach but the U.S.'s.
Additionally, he mentions Iraq's role in mediating conflicts and affirms Russia's readiness for a solution.

Gold operates as money without states or bankers

Gold does not need the state or its bankers to operate as money, because individuals choose it as money on the market century after century. The solidi bear the names & faces of the 5 different emperors who issued them, Honorius was the last Roman emperor to rule Britain.
Everything in life eventually goes to zero.
Gold is one of the only elements in the universe that never dies.
Gold is universally recognized and adorned.
Gold is legacy wealth. Nothing else even competes.

Quantum Space Force

The use of quantum computing, communication, and control could profoundly tip the scales in this next chapter of the space race.
Quantum encryption presents the most enticing hope of a massive security advantage with regard to satellites in space, allowing for the highest level of security possible.
The use of quantum encryption would theoretically prevent hackers from cracking codes and other forms of espionage, military or otherwise. Quantum computing could allow for an exponential military advantage in space.
Satellites equipped with quantum capabilities would enable offensive tactics like surveillance and reconnaissance to be done with greater speed, accuracy, and security than ever before.

Saudi Arabia joins SCO

Riyadh joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization as ties with Beijing grow.
Saudi Arabia's cabinet approved on Wednesday a decision to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as Riyadh builds a long-term partnership with China despite U.S. security concerns.

WH is launching Quantum Information Science official website

White House is launching, the official website of the National Quantum Initiative and Quantum Information Science.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) emerges from a deeper consideration of how quantum physics (our description of the world at the microscopic level) has implications for information science.
The National Quantum Initiative Act (NQI Act) was signed into law by President Trump on December 21, 2018 to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

Treasury Secretary: Expect a decline in the dollar as Reserve Currency

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Acknowledges Countries' Trend Toward 'Replacing The Dollar'.
Expect a gradual decline in the dollar's share of global reserves, according to Yellen.
During a congressional hearing, she was asked about dedollarization, to which she responded with her remarks.
The statements come amid global de-dollarization initiatives being undertaken by a number of nations, including the BRICS economic bloc.

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