
Digital Currency Backed by Gold Bill in Texas » News » Digital Currency Backed by Gold Bill in Texas

News Date: April 7, 2023

Texas Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Create Digital Currency Backed by Gold.
The comptroller shall establish a digital currency that is backed by gold so that each unit of the digital currency issued represents a particular fraction of a troy ounce of gold held in trust as provided by this chapter.

Gold's role in the Global Monetary Reset

Gold will play a big role in the coming global 'monetary reset'.
A global monetary reset is inevitable, as fiat currencies are being debased due to excessive money printing.
The U.S. dollar will be dethroned as the dominant global reserve currency by currencies backed by a basket of commodities including gold, according to Maxime Bernier, Founder and Leader of The People's Party of Canada.
An International reserve currency based on a basket of currencies is under consideration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on June 22 at the BRICS Business Forum.

Supreme Court could hit the tax system

The Supreme Court's decision to hear a pivotal tax case has profound implications for the future of the U.S. tax system.
At stake is the constitutionality of a proposed wealth tax, which could address economic disparities or dismantle key aspects of the existing tax framework.
A favorable ruling may promote social equity, while an adverse outcome could preserve individual economic freedom.
The case underscores the delicate balance between economic growth and fairness, making it a crucial moment in the nation's fiscal history with far-reaching implications.
The Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision by June 2024.

Trump is enacting NESARA sections by executive orders

Trump notified his staff to continue working on an Executive Order with respect to Payroll Tax Cut, Eviction Protections, Unemployment Extensions, and Student Loan Repayment Options.
If Democrats will not make a deal, President Donald Trump will pursue executive action in order to extend economic relief for the American people.
Payroll Tax Cut
Eviction Protections
Unemployment Extensions
Student Loan Repayment Options
Economic relief for American people,

Crop circles are models for generating free energy

One Italian inventor, Umberto Baudo, believes crop circles may be meant to impart secrets of new technology and free energy to humanity.

Gold Treaty accomplished as banks to fail

The fiat currency is crashing. Ink on paper is not real money. You can not print gold & silver. All countries are switching away from this money system to asset backed.
The "Gold Treaty" of 2013 deals with the global currency reset. The treaty and the move back to sound asset backed money effects every citizen of this nation and all nations around the world. We the people would like a response to the contents of the referenced documents. With solid details as to the progress and stance of the current administration towards the implementation of sound money and the control of the criminal central banking institutions.
President Trump accomplished the final requirement of the 209 nation Gold Treaty and GESARA when he oversaw Israel, UAE and Bahrain signing the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement on Tuesday 15 Sept.,

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