
The Upside In Gold Is Unlimited » News » The Upside In Gold Is Unlimited

News Date: July 25,2020

Pierre Lassonde:I think that the downside in gold is limited. The upside on gold at this point is unlimited. It's going to be far, far higher than people imagine.

What Is Fiat Money?

Fiat money is a currency that is backed by nothing except the faith and credit of the government issuing it.
Basically every usable currency around the world today is a fiat currency.
The U.S. dollar has been fiat since 1971.
Fiat money is a currency that is declared money by decree-not by the marketplace.
Though some fiat currencies were once backed by commodities, they are now only backed by the legislative power of the government issuing them.

Treasury Secretary: Expect a decline in the dollar as Reserve Currency

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Acknowledges Countries' Trend Toward 'Replacing The Dollar'.
Expect a gradual decline in the dollar's share of global reserves, according to Yellen.
During a congressional hearing, she was asked about dedollarization, to which she responded with her remarks.
The statements come amid global de-dollarization initiatives being undertaken by a number of nations, including the BRICS economic bloc.

Zimbabwe to issue more gold coins

Zimbabwe hails gold coin success and wants to issue more.
Gold coins used as currency in Zimbabwe will soon be available in smaller denominations, the central bank says.
Those higher-value gold coins are available to buy at approved banks and are tradeable locally.

WH is launching Quantum Information Science official website

White House is launching, the official website of the National Quantum Initiative and Quantum Information Science.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) emerges from a deeper consideration of how quantum physics (our description of the world at the microscopic level) has implications for information science.
The National Quantum Initiative Act (NQI Act) was signed into law by President Trump on December 21, 2018 to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.

National coin shortage

US is experiencing a national coin shortage in several states as an excuse to COVID-19 pandemic.
Also, The Federal Reserve ordered 34 major US banks to suspend share buybacks in the third quarter and limit dividend payments to shareholders.

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