
US Mint increases prices on silver products » News » US Mint increases prices on silver products

News Date: October 13, 2020

The United States Mint recently adopted a new strategy for pricing products in its silver numismatic products portfolio. Prices for products containing silver will change EFFECTIVE October 13, 2020-applicable to silver products already on sale/those yet to be released.
In order for the United States Mint to cover rising costs, meet its fiduciary responsibility to operate at no net cost to taxpayers, and return money to the Treasury General Fund, re-setting silver prices is necessary.
The Mints goal, as a financially responsible Federal agency, is to always provide the best quality numismatic products while maintaining fair prices.
The first objective is to ensure that the numismatic portfolio (all product lines together) be self-sufficient and cover all associated costs. The new silver prices reflect a sound business decision aimed at meeting these obligations.
(No tax dollars are used to fund numismatic operations.) The United States Mint will continue to look for operations optimization and cost reduction efforts to deliver superior quality numismatic products at a fair price.,,

Global Monetary System, As You Know It, Ended. Coming Gold Rush Will Be Epic

Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicts that what is coming is a "Great Awakening." Polny explains, "Between May 31st and September 18th, that is expected to be a major world transition point where God's Hand is seen upon the earth. . . .We might want to call that time point the 'Great Awakening.' Somewhere in this time point, people are going to realize the lies, deceptions and what has been going on in this Earth, and there is going to be a mass awakening."

CEOs resigning conspiracy theory

Over 24 hours the CEOs of Disney, MasterCard & Salesforce Resigned.
Over Past Month, CEOs of Hulu, LinkedIn, Uber Eats, MGM, IBM, etc. resigned.
Over the past year, 1300+ Global CEOs resigned.
Market Crash? Child Rink bust? Rapture?

10 Days to Remember. Our New Age

Solar Eclipse, Solstice, Great Conjunction & Mars Square Pluto - 10 Days to Remember - Dec 14/23.
This is going to be a very fast-paced and INTERESTING few weeks ahead of us! The Solar Eclipse is just one of the major events we have to look forward to.
Effectively Using the Eclipse, Solstice, and Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction to Recreate Human Society...
And this is what it must take for all of humanity, to be free. We cannot fight off the oppressors, nor can we plead with them to free us from our cells. We have to BE free, ACT free, for them to lose their power over us. We must OWN our sovereignty.

G-20 Plans Extraordinary Meeting to Discuss Debt Relief

Finance ministers and central bankers from the worlds largest economies plan to hold an extraordinary meeting on November 13 to discuss bolder action to help poor nations struggling to repay their debts.
The meeting could mark the next phase in the global debt-relief drive-by bolstering coordination between government creditors over how to restructure the debts of poor economies hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

Five countries officially joined BRICS

Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have officially joined the BRICS bloc after being invited last year, according to South Africa's Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor.
"With respect to the BRICS confirmations, five out of the six have confirmed. That is Saudi Arabia, UAE, Ethiopia, Iran and Egypt," Pandor stated on Wednesday.
South Africa revealed in July 2023 that 22 countries have formally requested to join the BRICS group, with an additional equal number expressing informal interest. This surge underscores the global recognition of BRICS as a pivotal alliance representing major emerging economies.

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