
US Mint increases prices on silver products » News » US Mint increases prices on silver products

News Date: October 13, 2020

The United States Mint recently adopted a new strategy for pricing products in its silver numismatic products portfolio. Prices for products containing silver will change EFFECTIVE October 13, 2020-applicable to silver products already on sale/those yet to be released.
In order for the United States Mint to cover rising costs, meet its fiduciary responsibility to operate at no net cost to taxpayers, and return money to the Treasury General Fund, re-setting silver prices is necessary.
The Mints goal, as a financially responsible Federal agency, is to always provide the best quality numismatic products while maintaining fair prices.
The first objective is to ensure that the numismatic portfolio (all product lines together) be self-sufficient and cover all associated costs. The new silver prices reflect a sound business decision aimed at meeting these obligations.
(No tax dollars are used to fund numismatic operations.) The United States Mint will continue to look for operations optimization and cost reduction efforts to deliver superior quality numismatic products at a fair price.,,

The Bank of England closed, fire in WTC Brussels

Weird recent events:
World Trade Center in Brussels was on fire (Aug 6) and the Bank of England seems to be closed for several days.
The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom a huge international Rothschild bank.,

China trials cross-border settlement involving CBDC

China trials cross-border settlement involving cenbank digital currencies.
The bridge test was developed by the Bank for International Settlements.
A central bank digital currency trial focused on cross-border transactions has been completed, BIS said, with Chinese state-owned banks participating as Beijing tries to internationalize its digital yuan.
Sources: reuters

Xi Jinping to Visit Saudi Arabia before the end of the year

China's Xi Jinping to Visit Saudi Arabia Amid Global Reshuffling.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is planning to visit Saudi Arabia before the end of the year, according to people familiar with preparations for the trip, as Beijing and Riyadh seek to deepen ties and advance a vision of a multipolar world where the U.S. no longer dominates the global order.
Sources: wsj

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn 2020

The last time Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn was in 1894 BCE.
King of Babylon Hammurabi codified a series of simple rules and regulations inspired by Samash the Sun god, by adopting previously existing edicts into new socio-economic realities.
These regulations inspired by divinity were etched in stone, and have influenced all modern law to this day.
It happens again in 2020. This is The big event!
Are we prepared to rewrite the laws of our society to better suit our ever-changing socio-economic and political realities? We better be. because I don't think we have a choice.

Trump disappointed in blocking benefits

Very disappointed in Chuck Schumer for blocking the temporary extension of the $600 unemployment benefits. The Do Nothing Democrats are more interested in playing politics than in helping our deserving people. DRAIN THE SWAMP ON NOVEMBER 3RD!

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