
BRICS Launches BRICS Pay System » » BRICS Launches BRICS Pay System

Date: October 25, 2023

BRICS has unveiled BRICS Pay, a new payment platform developed over the past few years.
This system is designed to boost trade and financial transactions within the bloc, emphasizing the use of national currencies over the US dollar.
BRICS Pay aims to streamline cross-border transactions, reduce exposure to currency exchange risks, and enhance the financial independence and stability of its member countries, marking a significant step in challenging the dollar's dominance on the global stage.

SpaceX Developing Military Version Of Starlink Satellites

Elon Musk's SpaceX is expanding its Starlink satellite technology into military applications with a new business line called Starshield.
"While Starlink is designed for consumer and commercial use, Starshield is designed for government use," the company wrote on its website.
SpaceX's ongoing work with the Department of Defense and other partners demonstrates our ability to provide in-space and on-ground capability at scale.
Sources: theepochtimes

FED takeover hinted by the US Debt Clock

Very interesting US Debt Clock Secret Window on November 14:
This secret window has the quotes of Thomas Edison and next The Federal Reserve System seal saying Federal 'Usury' System.
We also see the 1922 20$ Gold Certificate (and physical coins) which would be valued at about 314$ today.
But the most important suggestion: at the base of the concealed window on the Usdebtclock, rests a dial adorned with a luminous green light, positioned precisely amidst the Federal Reserve System seal and the US Treasury 1776 seal.
This seemingly symbolic arrangement signifies a transition or progression from one system to another, hinting at the shift or movement from the jurisdiction or operations of the Federal Reserve System towards those governed by the US Treasury.

BRICS Adopts Digital Economy

From January 17 to 19, 2024, the Moscow City Government delegation participated in the Smart Cities India Expo in New Delhi.
Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Moscow City Government, addressed the exhibition's opening and engaged in various sessions in the business program.
He emphasized the longstanding cooperation between India and Russia and highlighted potential areas for bilateral partnership.
"We are united by the common goal of building the most modern infrastructure, creating a safe and comfortable urban environment. One of the most promising areas of our cooperation is undoubtedly information technology and the digital economy. India and Russia are striving to become leaders in this field, and joining forces can create a synergistic effect," Cheremin stated.
In December of the previous year, China and Russia announced a groundbreaking test for a hack-proof quantum communication link using the Mozi satellite.
The BRICS alliance, having dominated the geopolitical sector in 2023, announced a six-country expansion plan during the Annual Summit.
Now, as attention turns to 2024, both Russia and India, amidst the BRICS initiative, are collaborating on a digital economy and expressing commitment to developing a native BRICS currency, rumored to be blockchain-based.
Also, the BRICS Pay system was launched last year to rival the Western SWIFT payment system and establish BRICS-based alternatives.

Germany Basic Income of $1,400 every month experiment

As part of the study, 120 people will receive E1,200, or about $1,430, each month for three years - an amount just above Germany's poverty line - and researchers will compare their experiences with another group of 1,380 people who will not receive the payments.

Quantum computing to crack cryptocurrency in 8 years

Ripple CTO David Schwartz says quantum computing poses a serious threat to the future of cryptocurrency.
Schwartz says he thinks developers have at least eight years until the technology, which leverages the properties of quantum physics to perform fast calculations, becomes sophisticated enough to crack cryptocurrency.

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