
Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act signed into law » News » Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act signed into law

News Date: January 5, 2021

On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump signed into law H.R. 6192, the "1921 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act," which requires the Department of the Treasury to mint and issue coins in honor of the 100th anniversary of the completion of coinage of the Morgan dollar and the 100th anniversary of the commencement of coinage of the Peace dollar.
The Act does not call out any mintage limits, only that the coin is authorized to be sold in 2021 and that the coins will have the exact same designs of the 1921 Morgan and 1921 Peace dollar coins.
$1 Silver Coins. The Secretary of the Treasury shall mint and issue $1 coins, each of which shall:
(1) weigh 26.73 grams;
(2) have a diameter of 1.500 inches;
(3) contain not less than 90 percent silver;
(4) have a reeded edge.

HSBC introduces tokenized gold platform

HSBC is the First Bank in the World to Offer Tokenized Gold.
HSBC Holdings Plc, a major bullion bank, has introduced a platform that utilizes blockchain technology to tokenize ownership of gold stored in its London vault.
This platform generates digital tokens representing gold bars, making gold trading more accessible.
While initially targeting institutional investors, it plans to open up to retail investors where regulations allow.
HSBC's entry into the tokenized gold market is notable due to its significant role as a custodian of precious metals and a clearer on the London gold market.
The technology promises to streamline the process, allowing clients to easily track their gold ownership down to the serial number of each bar.
HSBC has been actively exploring blockchain technology and recently launched HSBC Orion, a tokenization platform for digital bonds, with successful applications in the market.

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Amy Coney Barrett said Saturday that, if confirmed as a United States Supreme Court justice, she would assume the role to serve the American people.
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Trump Tower famous escalator Currency Exchange

5 years ago, on June 16th, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States Of America.
He came down the famous escalator along with Melania at Trump Tower!
This is a day to remember!
Look behind!!!
Is this just a coincidence?
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1, Cosmic gravitational energy antigravity flies butterfly.
2, Cosmic gravitational energy generating system apparatus.
3, antigravity system and device.
4, the two dish of outer image cover the dish-shaped housing that forms mutually.

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