
World Bank Looking to Trim Poor Nations Debt » News » World Bank Looking to Trim Poor Nations Debt

News Date: August 21, 2020

The World Bank is looking at ways to reduce the amount of debt owed by poor countries, rather than simply delaying payments, to attract more investors in the wake of the global pandemic and recession, President David Malpass said.
President of the WorldBank Group remarked to G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors: I emphasized the need for further progress on Debt Suspension, Debt Reduction, Debt Resolution, Debt Transparency.,

Countries normalizing relations with Israel

Israeli estimates indicate that there are Arab and Islamic countries on their way to sign an agreement with Tel Aviv, before the end of the term of the current US President, Donald Trump, on the twentieth of next January. This comes after the Moroccan monarch announced, yesterday, Thursday, the resumption of official bilateral contacts and diplomatic relations with Israel, shortly after the announcement by the outgoing US President Donald Trump on Twitter in which he confirmed that "Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations between them."

Russian Gold-backed Stablecoin Confirmed

Russia Mulls Gold-backed Stablecoin, Lawmaker Confirms After Iran Visit.
Russia may issue a stablecoin backed by gold to use in international settlements, a high-ranking member of the Russian parliament has admitted.
The matter has been discussed during a recent visit to Iran where officials have also signaled interest in such an initiative.

Delaware Supreme Court finds vote by mail, same-day registration unconstitutional

The Delaware Supreme Court on Friday struck down recent vote-by-mail and same-day voter registration legislation, overturning a signature achievement by Gov. John Carney and Democrat lawmakers.
Sources: yahoo

NESARA is Happening

We are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC (Political Action Committee), which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections, said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell.
NESARA section 6: Returns Constitutional Law - the formation of Restore the Republic PAC.
Section 8: Establishes new elections. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. - The Military.
Section 9: Monitors elections - Quantum Voting System (QVS).
Game Over! Thanks for watching Castle Rock!

Egypt is expected to join BRICS

Egypt plans to issue yuan-denominated bonds worth more than $500 million - Finance Minister Mohamed Maait.
Russia is negotiating the use of Mir payment card with several countries, including Egypt.
There are reports of Egypt preparing apps to join BRICS.
The president of the BRICS International Forum expects Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to join the group "very soon".

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