
Birth certificates and Sight Drafts myth » News » Birth certificates and Sight Drafts myth

News Date: March 6, 2021

When the United States went off the gold standard in 1933, the federal government somehow went bankrupt.
With the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, the government converted the bodies of its citizens into capital value, supposedly by trading the birth certificates of U.S. citizens on the open market.
After following a complicated process of filing UCC documents with either the Secretary of State of the persons residence or another state that will accept the filings, each citizen is entitled to redeem his or her "value" by filling out a sight draft drawn on their (nonexistent) TreasuryDirect account.
The scheme asserts that each citizens Social Security Number is also his or her account number.
As a part of the scheme, participants also file false IRS Forms 8300 and Currency Transaction Reports in the name of law enforcement officials and other individuals they seek to harass.
Drawing such drafts on the U.S. Treasury is fraudulent and a violation of federal law. The theory behind their use is bogus and incomprehensible. The Justice Department is vigorously prosecuting these crimes. Federal criminal convictions have occurred in several cases.

The largest package of tax cuts

President Donald Trump: We passed the largest package of tax cuts in American history, saving the average family of four over $5,000 a year.

Pearl Harbor 2021. Cyber version

Up to a MILLION companies are hit in biggest global ransomware attack on record: Allegedly, Russian hackers REvil demand $70MILLION for decryption key weeks after President Biden told Putin to stop protecting hackers.
World Economic Forum hints at global cyber pandemic this summer to facilitate great reset.
Cyber Polygon - 9 July 2021: The international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience and the expansion of intersectoral cooperation against cyberthreats.

What is Sound Money? Monetary reset

A somewhat polemical term for a currency backed by a tangible commodity such as gold, silver or platinum. Sound money has an intrinsic value, but is more susceptible to deflation than fiat money. Many countries used sound money throughout most of their histories; however, most countries today use fiat money and have since the United States left the Bretton Woods System in the 1970s. The term "sound money" is often used by those who favor its reintroduction. The more common term is hard money.
Given the current fiat money system is on a path towards its own destruction it is not surprising that there has been increasing talk of a monetary reset.,

BRICS, EAEU & SCO alliance

The second Eurasian Economic Forum, which will be held in Moscow on May 24 - 25, will feature discussions on the integration of BRICS, EAEU & SCO blocks.
"The expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between integration formats not only contributes to the growth of national economies but can also have a significant impact on the formation of new approaches to the functioning of the global market,", Mikhail Myasnikovich, the chairman of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, explained on their official website.

Rupee-Riyal trade, UPI payment system

India, Saudi Arabia discuss Rupee-Riyal trade, UPI payment system.
India and Saudi Arabia have discussed the possibility of starting a rupee-riyal trade as part of efforts to boost economic ties between the nations, the Indian government said in a statement on Monday.
Sources: indiatimes

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