
US Mint Temporarily Closes, new coin images » News » US Mint Temporarily Closes, new coin images

News Date: August 4, 2020

Look at the date of the closing of the mint. This announcement was for public tours but when banks tried to order coins - they have been told the mint is closed.
View of new 2020 $1 coins being minted:
They don't look like anything we've seen before. These coins started in 2018 ... could this be in preparation for NESARA?
Think about this - paper money is easy to reprint, but coinage has to be minted... could it be that the mint was closed to re-tool and prepare to mint new coinage? Could it be that coins have been short due to the need for the metal to re-produce coinage?
There is a lot of stuff being blamed on the Virus - is the coin shortage really due to COVID??

What is a silver short squeeze?

The idea of a silver squeeze, in very basic terms, is this: The silver price - so the theory goes - has been artificially held down by people (hedge funds, institutions, etc.) who "short" silver. This means they are betting that the price of silver will fall.
To short, or short-sell means borrowing a share or commodity, and then selling it. If the price falls, I can buy it back at a lower price, return it to the lender, and pocket the difference. But if the price rises, I am forced to buy it back at a higher price, and I lose money.
If a lot of new investors rush to buy silver, raising the price, the short-sellers will be forced to buy it back at a much greater price. This ever-increasing upward pressure forces prices higher. It is more complex than that, but this is the bones of a silver squeeze.
This is a movement to help level the playing field between everyday people and the billionaires who control the big financial institutions that control the money, and thus control us. It is a movement to wake people up to what is been happening, and to help us, together, start to reclaim the power we have unwittingly allowed others to have over our lives. Big banks have made big fortunes by manipulating the silver market for decades. Although many have tried, and some have come close, no one has been strong enough to completely break their stranglehold. Until now.
The silver market is the Achilles heel of the old system, and its time has come.

Unrestricted cross-border payment system introduced by Russia

According to Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Russia is introducing a new payment system that is "bound by no restrictions" and will allow the use of digital currencies for international transfers.
In the past, the Bank of Russia predicted that in five to seven years, the entire system of cross-border payments will undergo a transition and be based on national digital currencies.

Quantum vacuum free energy extraction patent

Free energy is everywhere, and all around you, just waiting to be extracted from the quantum vacuum.
Keeping free energy from the people at large has been the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. It is the theft of our personal freedom and potential, as well as our collective future, of perpetual peace and prosperity! There are only two things that can save (free) humanity at this point in history. The first, being God; the other, is free energy.
Quantum vacuum energy extraction and more Free Energy Patents Are Finally Being Issued.

Trump Calls on Biden to Resign

Trump short statement: It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COV ID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy.
It shouldnt be a big deal, because he wasnt elected legitimately in the first place!
On Sunday, Taliban insurgents made their way into the capital city of Kabul, seizing control. Prior to the takeover, many, including Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, fled for fear of their lives.
The White House on Sunday tweeted a photo of Joe Biden sitting by himself as Afghanistan falls to the Taliban.

Joint Declaration of Support for Democratic Change in Venezuela

A swift and peaceful transition to democracy is the most effective and sustainable route to stability, recovery and prosperity in Venezuela. We remain committed to helping the Venezuelan people achieve a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future.

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