
Starlink is awesome for RV » News » Starlink is awesome for RV

News Date: May 3, 2022

Elon Musk's recent comment on Twitter:
Starlink is awesome for RV's, camping or any activity away from cities...
RV stands for Recreational Vehicle.
RV also stands for the Revaluation of currencies.
Ironically, Donald Trump made RV hints in a Rose Garden news conference in 2020, revealing he wants to drive around town in an RV, back to New York, with the First Lady, cracking jokes after forgetting what an RV is.

Patent WO2020060606 cryptocurrency system using body activity data

Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.
Patent number: WO2020060606
Microsoft is recently issued a patent for a device that is implanted under your skin that tracks your movements, allows for cashless payments, and even allows for medical tracking

Russia-Turkey Switching to National Currencies statement

In Sochi, Erdogan met Putin to discuss the gas hub and grain deal.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's emphasis on switching to national currencies in bilateral trade during his discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin signifies a notable shift in Turkey's economic and geopolitical strategy.
Erdogan: Switching to national currencies in bilateral trade is important.
The development of a natural gas hub within Turkey dovetails with this shift in economic strategy.
Putin also stated that Russia will soon deliver free grain to Africa.

New Defense Secretary on quick removal of US troops in Afghanistan

New acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller has hired a senior adviser that has frequently pressed for the quick removal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Defense Department confirmed on Wednesday.

What is the devolution?

Devolution is fundamental and part of the governments top-secret continuity of government plans.
Devolution: transference (as of rights, powers, property, or responsibility) to another especially, the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government.
The Devolution PLAN involved secret operations of replacing politicians, senior key officials, high-ranking Generals, Admirals, and officers.

The Bank of England closed, fire in WTC Brussels

Weird recent events:
World Trade Center in Brussels was on fire (Aug 6) and the Bank of England seems to be closed for several days.
The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom a huge international Rothschild bank.,

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