
Quantum Banking System, quantum-grammar construct » News » Quantum Banking System, quantum-grammar construct

News Date: August 24, 2020

Quantum-Banking system is the Declaration of Independence of the world, ending the Socialist Fiat debt system.
Russell-Jay Gould, Post-Master-General on Quantum-Grammar, Quantum-Banking:
Quantum-grammar essentially offers a mathematical way to write contracts in a proper and correct way which cannot be misunderstood, upholds integrity in contracting, and holds all parties duly accountable for whatever they promise to deliver. Unlike English, which is rife with confusion and carries contradictions and denials that most people know nothing about-prefixes like un and re for instance are negations-but which manipulative central bankers, moneyed bloodline families, and long lineages of moneylenders have operated to their secret advantage and to the detriment of the ignorant citizenry, quantum-grammar puts everything on the table in plain sight and precludes any kind of shoring up of advantage by anyone, while holding people to their word. Using quantum-grammar and proper ways to contract with each other and create the systems-banking, judicial, educational, communicational which will truly work for us.,

Russia Proposes SWIFT-like System for BRICS

Russia is advocating for BRICS countries to develop their own financial messaging system, similar to SWIFT, to reduce reliance on Western institutions and boost financial autonomy.
Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov stated this system would allow secure, independent transactions via state-owned banks, support African development, and reduce neocolonial influences.
Integrating with national infrastructures and using advanced cybersecurity, the system would lower transaction costs, speed up capital turnover, and improve liquidity, benefiting international trade.
"The creation of a financial messaging system similar to SWIFT will help create a new economic reality for the BRICS countries," Babakov said.
Source: TASS.

Defcon Level Warning System: Returning To Gold Standard

Russia is reportedly returning to the gold standard.
The government will abolish the VAT (tax) on bullion when purchasing gold bars or other precious metals from a bank.
The 20% current tax on top of its value will not apply.
According to Money Week China 'almost certainly' owns more gold than the United States and both Russia and China have been expecting that they must separate from the U.S. dollar and have been increasing their gold holdings so that they will be prepared for such a time.
Maxime Bernier said that China and Russia have both accumulated a lot of gold and are dumping their dollar assets.
"By escalating the Ukraine conflict and imposing financial sanctions, we are pushing them to establish an alternative global monetary system, likely based on gold" he stated.
"When this happens the US$ will crash and our massively indebted economies will suffer.
This is a big geopolitical blunder. And btw Canada has no gold reserve. We won't have anything to support the CAN$. Almost nobody sees this coming". he added.
Maxime Bernier said that he supports the return to sound money and a gold standard, but not in an 'unprepared and destabilizing fashion as the one we are facing now'.
Source: Defcon Level Warning System

Central banks chiefs out

With Angela Merkel on her way out as Chancellor, her former chief economic advisor, Jens Weidmann, announced plans to step down at the end of the year as head of Germany's Bundesbank after a decade at the helm of the national central bank.
Dallas Fed President Kaplan and Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren To Retire After Ethics Issue.
Former Iranian Central Bank Chief Handed 10-Year Prison Sentence.
Slovakia's central bank chief and European Central Bank governing council member Peter Kazimir has been charged with corruption.
Philippine central bank Governor Benjamin Diokno said he is with "team transitory" and that it is more prudent for the country to delay monetary tightening.
The Turkish lira hit a record low overnight after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered a new round of dismissals at the country's central bank.
So, central bank are starting to worry. They were wrong about inflation because they were wrong about supply chains, and they were perhaps wrong about labor markets, which they had just taken years to learn had no serious bargaining power.
To be continued... Stay Tuned!.
Sources: ,

The world awaits the leader of the free world

Senator Gerard Rennick: This election is not over in the states 17 states just sued the other states and we will see who is the leader of the free world come back next year.
Australian Senate awaits the results of the election for the Free World. The world is depending on the US election, on POTUS.
In the Australian Senate Senator Rennick from Queensland keeps his colleagues up to date with the latest lawsuit by 18 states to overturn the American presidential election.

FED takeover hinted by the US Debt Clock

Very interesting US Debt Clock Secret Window on November 14:
This secret window has the quotes of Thomas Edison and next The Federal Reserve System seal saying Federal 'Usury' System.
We also see the 1922 20$ Gold Certificate (and physical coins) which would be valued at about 314$ today.
But the most important suggestion: at the base of the concealed window on the Usdebtclock, rests a dial adorned with a luminous green light, positioned precisely amidst the Federal Reserve System seal and the US Treasury 1776 seal.
This seemingly symbolic arrangement signifies a transition or progression from one system to another, hinting at the shift or movement from the jurisdiction or operations of the Federal Reserve System towards those governed by the US Treasury.

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