
GESARA cryptocurrency? Your Everyday Money - YEM and Digital Yuan on blockchain » News » GESARA cryptocurrency? Your Everyday Money - YEM and Digital Yuan on blockchain

News Date: June 8, 2020

Diving into what is Rainbow Currency, I have just found SOMETHING HUGE IS COMING!
Is this NESARA/GESARA currency specified in the act?
"Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals..."(NESARA section 10)
The Rainbow Currency (Trading Symbol YEM) has been created late 2017 by more than 3,700 Internet users from 157 different countries. First launched on the public Ethereum blockchain, Rainbow Currency moved in August 2018 to a private blockchain called TwnklChain.
Official websites:
The symbol looks similar to China's Digital Yuan, already launched.
YEM stands for Your Everyday Money.
At this moment YEM is ranked at the 4th level on market under Bitcoin.

Donald Trump is against CBDCs

Donald Trump firmly opposes the idea of the Federal Reserve creating a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the United States and vows to "never allow" the creation of such currency if elected.
His strong declaration to "never allow" the issuance of a CBDC reflects concerns about potential implications, such as privacy issues, government control, or disruptions to the existing financial system.
"As your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency.
Such a currency would give a federal government, our federal government, the absolute control over your money, they could take your money and you wouldn't even know it was gone.
This would be a dangerous threat to freedom and I will stop it from coming to America", Trump stated during a speech in New Hampshire on January 17.

Welcome to quantum computing era FED

Fed Announces It Will Quit Printing Paper Money. The Federal Reserve will not be printing new paper currency (they have already ceased making coins).
PayPal is leaping into the cryptocurrency market, Starting in the next few weeks, users in the US can buy and sell bitcoin and several other digital currencies on the platform.
Quantum computers will be orders of magnitude more powerful than anything we have today. Scientists predict that the emerging era of quantum computing could lead to great breakthroughs.,,

FISA START and gold backed vaccines

Did Trump say the FISA vaccine? Yes, he did. This is the question of today.
Did anyone notice how Trump pronounced the Pfizer vaccine-like FISA vaccine?
Trump said Pfizer perfectly clear, the other 3 times it is FISA, as in unsealed FISA Warrants.... which will be delivered via our military as evil folks are arrested. Gold...NESARA/GESARA. Vax = Arrests.
President Trump announced the COVID vaccine rollout within 24 hours. Note the curtains. He is... backed by gold.
Patriots believe that he is saying FISA instead of Pfizer in this speech. President Trump could be announcing DECLAS within 24 hours, including military intervention at this point and a big step towards the gold standard.

Australia closer to a cashless society

Australia's big four banks remove thousands of ATMs and shut down hundreds of branches as the coronavirus crisis pushes nation closer to a cashless society.,

Such a beautiful message of peace

This is the wind of change, a Beautiful message of peace.
During the White House signing ceremony Israel projected flags of Israel, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and the US onto the Old City walls as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood alongside President Donald Trump in Washington hailing what he called "historic" peace agreements.,

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