
NESARA war. RV explosion on Commerce St. » News » NESARA war. RV explosion on Commerce St.

News Date: December 25, 2020

A recreational vehicle (RV) exploded early Friday morning, on Christmas day, causing a fire and damage to several buildings in downtown Nashville around Second Avenue and Commerce Street. Federal, state, and local law enforcement partners are on the scene to investigate what we believe was an intentional act.
It was a controlled operation? This can be a basic introduction to how the Good guys are implementing NESARA over time.
Earlier this year, POTUS talked about an RV - Revaluation of Currencies.

Debt Jubilee by Trump pick to lead World Bank

President of the WorldBank Group remarks to G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors I emphasized the need for further progress on:
1. Debt Suspension;
2. Debt Reduction;
3. Debt Resolution;
4. Debt Transparency.
The situation in developing countries is increasingly desperate. Time is short. We need to take action quickly on debt suspension, debt reduction, debt resolution mechanisms and debt transparency.
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2020
Full remarks
US President Donald Trump has nominated David Malpass as his pick for the next World Bank president:

Asian Clearing Union to adopt SWIFT alternative

Within the coming weeks, ACU member states plan to introduce the Iranian-developed system.
During a recent summit in Iran, the members of the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) decided to compete with the SWIFT global payment network by launching a new cross-border financial messaging system in June.
ACU members include the central banks of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Iran.
According to reports, the new, unnamed method for banking communication among ACU members was designed by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI).
Along with the top representatives from the ACU member states, the conference also included the governor of the Russian central bank, representatives from Afghanistan, and Belarus.
Last week, applications for membership in the ACU were submitted by Belarus and Mauritius.
Mohammad Reza Farzin, the governor of the CBI, disclosed that the bloc would look to expand its membership and vary the payment methods it accepts in order to support a more comprehensive de-dollarization drive.

China astounding Gold reserves to be revealed in CDBC announcement

China hoarded an enormous amount of the precious metal.
China Gold reserves to be revealed in Central Bank Digital Currency announcement that threatens U.S. currency hegemony.
It is expected a major announcement of Chinese gold holdings that would astound most analysts would probably be accompanied with any Central Bank Digital Currency release and mention of gold backing.
Source: asiamarkets

Gold Treaty accomplished as banks to fail

The fiat currency is crashing. Ink on paper is not real money. You can not print gold & silver. All countries are switching away from this money system to asset backed.
The "Gold Treaty" of 2013 deals with the global currency reset. The treaty and the move back to sound asset backed money effects every citizen of this nation and all nations around the world. We the people would like a response to the contents of the referenced documents. With solid details as to the progress and stance of the current administration towards the implementation of sound money and the control of the criminal central banking institutions.
President Trump accomplished the final requirement of the 209 nation Gold Treaty and GESARA when he oversaw Israel, UAE and Bahrain signing the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement on Tuesday 15 Sept.,

Google Gesara interest over times

Google Trends Explores what the world is searching over times.
It provides access to a largely unfiltered sample of actual search requests made to Google. It's anonymized, categorized and aggregated. This allows us to display interest in a particular topic from around the globe or down to city-level geography.
For example entering the keyword "gesara" in the Explore bar, it results an ascending curve:

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